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Translation Type - Workday - Financial

Workday provided translation types are preconfigured translation methods used to fill in the rate type. They do not provide default or allow rate types, because rate types are tenanted. The custom translation type provides full control over setting up the translation method.

Translation Method - Workday - Financial

Identifies the translation type (average, current, custom, or historic) to translate currencies using fiscal year criteria.

Supplier Invoice Adjustment - Workday - Financial

A change to the amount a supplier owes and can be an increase or a decrease in the amount due.

Settlement Run - Workday - Financial

A group of items to be paid (such as supplier invoices and expense reports), and payments (paychecks and ad hoc supplier payments) that is treated as one unit when selecting and settling payments.

Revenue Category - Workday - Financial

When you set up sales items, you assign a revenue category. It is a classification in customer contracts and billing that provides a logical grouping to search and report on items and services you sell. It can also be used to drive different accounting behavior as it is a dimension in account posting rule types used in customer contracts, billing, and accounts receivable.

Resource Category - Workday - Financial

When you set up expense items and purchase items, you assign a resource category. It is a classification in procurement and resource management that provides a logical grouping to search and report on acquired items and services. It can also be used to drive different accounting behavior as it is a dimension in account posting rule types used in procurement and resource management.

Resource - Workday - Financial

Any item you want to track, from company vehicles to software licenses and access cards. For capital resources, you can capture the acquisition cost and record depreciation based on the depletion schedule attributes. You can also track resource custodianship.

Requisition Template - Workday - Financial

A collection of goods and services that makes the requisition process simpler, faster, and more manageable.

Public Requisition Template - Workday - Financial

These templates are specific to a company and can be used by all authorized workers. Only buyers and service coordinators can create or edit public templates. To provision new workers automatically, a template must be public.

Prenotifications (Prenotes) - Workday - Financial

Optional live or zero-dollar entries that are sent through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) to a financial institution to verify account and related information before sending or receiving actual direct deposits. If the prenote amount is not zero, cash is transferred to the account.
