Loan offer to Snoqualmie Pass Utility District for wastewater treatment plant membrane bioreactor improvements
Ecology, Department of
Title of action
Loan offer to Snoqualmie Pass Utility District for wastewater treatment plant membrane bioreactor improvements
Date significant agency action was initiated
Friday, February 2, 2024
Capital project, grant, or loan award of at least $12 million
Brief description of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment.
The purpose of this action is to provide the Snoqualmie Pass Utility District with $18 million in loan funding to construct updates to the wastewater treatment infrastructure to meet surface water quality standards and phase out the current land treatment system. Infrastructure upgrades include a membrane bioreactor, solids handling facilities, aerobic digestion, sludge dewatering, drying beds, and associated instrumentation and controls. Currently, wastewater is land applied to 45 acres of Forest Service property. After completing these improvements, the Snoqualmie Pass Utility District will treat wastewater and discharge it to Coal Creek, which drains to Lake Keechelus.
The project location includes the treatment plant at 370 Treatment Plant Road, Snoqualmie Pass, WA 98068. The project also impacts Coal Creek, a tributary of Lake Keechelus.
Anticipated benefits from the investments made with this loan include:
• The treated wastewater from the new membrane bioreactor system will have a higher water quality than the treated wastewater from the existing lagoon system. These improvements mean the facility will no longer release treated wastewater to land, which will prevent runoff to a nearby lake during part of the year.
• The new treatment technology will discharge cleaner wastewater to Coal Creek.
• The Forest Service will recover the land application site and allow it to return to natural habitat conditions.
Methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
Ecology plans to conduct engagement focused on connecting with overburdened communities and vulnerable populations for the environmental justice assessment of this loan offer beginning in April 2024 .
Ecology conducted public engagement in February and March of 2024, with an online webinar and public comment period. We will respond to comments regarding environmental justice, overburdened communities, or vulnerable populations with vulnerabilities impacted by the action and seek further involvement to address concerns. Through methods yet to be determined, Ecology will identify additional opportunities to engage overburdened communities in Kittitas County and provide opportunities for their meaningful involvement in this funding decision.
Ecology will also invite Tribal consultation with impacted Tribes, which includes but may not be limited to the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, Snoqualmie Indian Tribe, and Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation.
Please contact Faith Wimberley at with any comments or questions, or visit the webpage below to stay informed.
Link to agency webpage where the action is posted.