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One Washington budget requests

Budget guidance for agencies - December 2018 Governor's budget

During the summer of 2018 One Washington guided advised agencies in the budget development process for consideration in the Governor’s December 2018 budget. Initially system integrations, testing and organizational change management activities were discussed and identified as being eligible for funding consideration. As the state learned more about economic projections, One Washington responded by focusing on agency and program readiness activities. Ultimately readiness activities were the focus of the consolidated decision package.

The resources below reflect the point in time where finance and procurement functions were going to be implemented first, and when a wave implementation was the approach. Both of these aspects have changed since November of 2018.  The resources are being provided for historical reference only. Future resources will be provided as appropriate.

Tools and resources:

Please note:

  1. Agencies will not submit individual decision packages for One Washington related work. Rather, agencies will submit a short-form request to One Washington with the commensurate justification. One Washington will review agency requests, engage agencies appropriately with questions and clarifications, and ultimately submit a single decision package on behalf of all agencies.
  2. Some agency activities will be considered as in-kind.
  3. Wave 2 agencies will need to plan for and assume that their business, information technology and change management resources will be engaged during Wave 1 implementation.
  4. August 31, 2018 update: Budget guidance sessions have concluded. Agencies that have questions are invited to contact One Washington.


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