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Timeliness of filing for a director's review

State HR - Reviews & Appeals

Contact information

Jefferson Building
1500 Jefferson Street SE
PO Box 47500, Olympia, WA 98504-7500

To ensure that a request for a director’s review is timely filed, it is best to file the request within 30 days of the date on the employer’s allocation determination letter.

The Director's Review Program date stamps all correspondence.  The date filed is the date we receive the request for a director’s review.

Rules regarding timeliness

WAC 357-13-080 requires an employee to request a director's review within thirty calendar days of being provided the results of a position review or the notice of reallocation.  Most collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) contain similar language.

WAC 357-04-105 provides, in part, the following:

  1. . . . when the civil service rules require an . . . employee . . . to receive notice, the notice must be provided by personal delivery, United States mail, or by telephone facsimile transmission with same-day mailing of copies unless the specific rule requiring notice allows for alternative methods of providing notice such as electronic mail ("e-mail"), state mail service, commercial parcel delivery or campus mail service.
  2. . . .  service of notice upon parties will be regarded as completed when personal delivery has been accomplished; or upon deposit in the United States mail, properly stamped and addressed; or upon production by telephone facsimile transmission of confirmation of transmission. When a specific rule allows alternative methods of service, service upon parties will be regarded as completed when it is actually received by the party to which notice is being provided. 
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