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Civil service rules – WAC 357

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01 - Definitions
Base salary.
Disabled veteran.
Holiday credit.
Regular rate.
16 - Recruitment, Assessment, and Certification

Authority for Recruitment, Assessment, and Certification

When must an employer disclose the salary range or management band, other compensation and a description of benefits for a position?
May an employer confirm an individual's wage or salary history?
19 - Appointment and Reemployment


What provisions of the civil service rules apply to nonpermanent employees?

Employer Return-to-Work Programs

Who is eligible to participate in the employer's return-to-work program?
Are an employee's return-to-work opportunities limited to the agency or institution/related board which was the employer at the time of the qualifying injury?
28 - Compensation


Who adopts the compensation plan?
How is the compensation plan prepared and revised?
What must the compensation plan include?

Special Pay Ranges

Can the director adopt special pay salary ranges?
For what reasons may the director adopt special pay ranges and/or compensation practices for institutions of higher education and related boards?
How long will higher education special pay ranges remain in effect?
By whom and for what reasons may a higher education special pay request be submitted to the director?
When making a special pay request for higher education, what information must the requesting party provide?

Setting Base Salary

Must employers have a salary determination policy?
What must be addressed in the employer's salary determination policy?
Can an employee's base salary be set above the maximum of the salary range?
If the legislature approves a salary increase will employees whose base salaries are set above the maximum of a salary range assigned to the position receive the salary increase?
How is part-time employment compensated?

Periodic Increment Increases (PID)

What is the periodic increment date (PID)?
How is the periodic increment date determined for a general government employee?
How is the periodic increment date determined for a higher education employee?
When does an employee receive an increment increase?
What are the effective dates of increment increases?
Can an employer adjust the timing and amount of increment increases?
How does an employee allocated to a class with a special pay salary range progress through the range?

Step M

Is step M on the salary schedule different than other salary steps?
May an employee be appointed to step M upon demotion?
When may an employee progress to step M of the salary range?
If an employee transfers or demotes will the time spent at step L count towards the six years to qualify for step M in the new position?

Increases for Recruitment and/or Retention

Can an employer adjust an employee's base salary within the employee's current salary range for recruitment, retention, or other business related reasons?
Can an employer authorize additional pay to support recruitment and/or retention of a position?
When must an employer receive director approval to authorize additional pay to support recruitment or retention of an employee or candidate for a position?

Changing Base Salary

Must an employee who is promoted receive a salary increase?
Must an employee occupying a position that is reallocated to a class with a higher salary range receive a salary increase?
What is the base salary of an employee occupying a position that is reallocated to a class with the same or lower salary range?
How is an employee's base salary determined if the director creates, abolishes, or revises a class?
How is an employee's salary determined when the employee is appointed to a position due to a layoff action?
How is an employee's salary determined upon transfer?
How is an employee's salary determined upon reassignment?
How is a general government employee's salary determined when the employee is redeployed for reasons specified in WAC 357-19-360(2)?
How is an employee's salary determined upon reversion?
How is an employee's salary determined upon demotion?
How is an employee's salary determined upon elevation?
When an exempt position is converted to classified, how is the base salary of the incumbent determined?

Assignment Pay

What is assignment pay?
When may employers authorize assignment pay?

Call Back Pay

What is the requirement for employers to compensate employees for being called back to work?

Shift and Holiday Premium

When must an employee receive shift premium?
What general government positions must be paid supplemental shift premium?
When must an employee receive holiday premium pay?
When must an employee receive location based premium pay?

Standby Pay

When must an employee receive standby pay?
What is the rate of compensation for standby pay?

Supervisor Pay Differential

When must an employee receive supervisory pay differential?

Hours of Work and Flex-Time

How are hours of work established for employees?
Are employers required to develop flexible time schedules?
Can an employer assign or reassign an employee to a flex-time schedule?
Can an employee request assignment to a flex-time schedule?


Must employers assign an overtime eligibility designation to each position?
Must employers inform employees whether they are eligible to receive overtime compensation or not?
Under what conditions can the employer change an overtime eligible employee's assigned hours?
What constitutes overtime for an overtime eligible employee?
At what rate must overtime be compensated?
For the purpose of computing eligibility for overtime compensation, are holidays and leave with pay considered time worked?

Compensatory Time

When may compensatory time off be granted in lieu of pay?
When may compensatory time off be used?
When must compensatory time be paid in cash?
When must holiday credit be paid in cash?

Relocation Compensation

When can an employee receive relocation compensation?
What would cause an employee to be required to pay back the relocation payment?
Must the employer develop written criteria for relocation compensation?

Salary Survey

When will salary surveys be done?
31 - Holidays and Leave


Which employees qualify for holiday compensation?
For general government part-time employees, how is holiday compensation prorated?
What happens when a holiday falls on an employee's scheduled day off?

Sick Leave

Can an employee be paid for accrued sick leave?

Vacation Leave

When employees separate from state service, are they entitled to a lump sum payment of unused vacation leave?

Worker's Compensation

May an employee use leave if the employee sustains a work-related injury or illness that is compensable under the state workers' compensation law?
What happens if an employee uses accrued vacation leave, accrued sick leave, accrued compensatory time, accrued holiday credit, recognition leave, or receives holiday pay during a period when the employee is receiving time loss compensation?

Suspended Operations

What is the effect of suspended operations on employees who are not required to work during the closure?

Leave With Pay - Miscellaneous Leave

May employees keep compensation received for serving as a member of a jury?
When must an employer grant leave with pay for other miscellaneous reasons?

Leave Without Pay

For what reasons may an employer grant leave without pay?

Uniformed Service Shared Leave Pool

What is the purpose of the uniformed service shared leave pool?

Veterans’ In-State Service Shared Leave Pool

What documentation may an employee seeking shared leave under the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool be required to submit?
34 - Employee Training and Development
Can an employee be given an assignment for career development purposes?
What must be included in the required supervisory or managerial training?
46 - Layoff and Separation

Temporary Layoff

What is an employee's status during temporary layoff?
58 - Washington Management Service

Purpose and Goals

What is the purpose of the Washington management service (WMS) rules?
What are the goals of the WMS rules?

Rules - Who Covered

What civil service rules do not apply to WMS?

Compensation - Promotion and Demotion

Must agencies have a salary administration policy?
How are positions assigned to the management bands?
How are positions placed into the WMS medical band?
Can WMS salaries be set outside the maximum of an assigned management band?
If the legislature approves a salary increase, will employees whose base salaries are set outside the maximum of the assigned management band receive the salary increase?
For what reasons can an agency adjust a WMS salary?
May agencies provide salary increases for WMS employees?
How often may agencies provide salary increases for WMS employees?
Is there a limit for salary increases?
When can exceptions to the salary increase limits be made?
What is a promotion?
What is a voluntary demotion and what changes may occur in salary?
What is a disciplinary demotion and what changes may occur in salary?
What is an involuntary downward movement and how does that affect the salary?
How is the employee affected when the employee's position is involuntarily moved downward as described in WAC 357-58-125?
How is a WMS employee's salary determined when the employee is redeployed for reasons specified in WAC 357-58-265(2)?
Do salary increases greater than five percent for a group of employees need approval?
Upon return from exempt service, how is a WMS employee's salary set?

Location Based Premium Pay

When must a Washington management service (WMS) employee receive location based premium pay?

Relocation Compensation

When may an agency authorize lump sum relocation compensation?
For what reasons may an employee be required to pay back the relocation payment?
Must the agency develop written criteria for relocation compensation?

Hours of Work

How are hours of work established for WMS employees?

Leave and Other Pay Issues

What about other pay issues?

Temporary Layoff

What is a WMS employee's status during temporary layoff?