Workforce Planning Committee
- Heather Normoyle (LNI)
Staff support
- Ann Reiter (OFM)
- Brandy Wilson (OFM)
- Cheryl Sullivan-Colglazier (DES)
The Workforce Planning Committee serves as the state’s workforce planning advisory and coordinating group. The committee works collaboratively with OFM State HR, DES Workforce Support and Development, agency deputies, and agency/institution HR offices to support strategic workforce planning efforts across state government.
The committee provides statewide HR leadership on the topic of workforce planning. It will provide feedback and input, develop recommendations, and make decisions on workforce planning strategies.
- Workforce Planning Committee Charter (includes information on goals, current focus, meeting schedule and the role of members)
What is workforce planning?
Workforce planning is the continual process of aligning workforce strategies to desired business outcomes. It includes:
- Analyzing the current workforce
- Identifying the future workforce needs
- Establishing gaps between present and future workforces
- Building and implementing strategies to address gaps