Other pages about the topic: Economy

Median home price

Median home price in Washington

1996 - 2022

Washington export activity

Value of Washington exports

2022 ($ Millions)

Manufacturing employment as a percent of total

Manufacturing employment as a percent of total, 1980

  • State average: 17.8%
  • Highest county: Wahkiakum at 37.5%
  • Lowest county: Whitman at 1.6%

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Average wages by county (map)

Average Wages, 1980

Inflation-Adjusted to 2021 Dollars

Per capita personal income by county

Per Capita Personal Income, 1980

Inflation-Adjusted to 2021 Dollars

Distribution of income, wealth, and taxes across Washington households

This report is prepared pursuant to Section 708 of Third Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2127 (Sec. 708 3ESHB 2127). The overall objective of this study is to provide information on the distribution of income, wealth and taxes across Washington households as well as changes in the distribution of income, and wealth over time.

The Washington Input-Output Model

The 2012 Washington State Input-Output model is a 52-sector model of the state economy using the North American Industrial Classification System definition of industries. The Model contains six final demand categories and provides estimates of payments of labor income, other value added and purchases by Washington industries from elsewhere in the United States and from foreign countries.
