Other pages about the topic: Facilities

State facilities policies

The Office of Financial Management’s Facility Planning Program has established the following policies to promote the efficient use of leased and owned facilities.

Space request (modified pre-design)

State law requires the Office of Financial Management (OFM) to establish and maintain a modified pre-design (MPD) process for approving agency requests to acquire, expand, or relocate a state facility through lease or purchase. The MPD Form is used for all agency space requests.

Facilities inventory

The inventory of state-owned and leased facilities by state agencies represents a significant financial investment by the citizens of Washington state. As a result, RCW 43.82.150 requires an annual inventory of state-owned and leased facilities. This report is referred to as the annual facilities inventory.

Facilities Oversight and Planning staff agency assignments

This list is current as of September 4, 2024.

NOTE: Formal contacts, such as modified pre-design submittals and annual Facilities Inventory reports, should be made via ofmfacilitiesoversig@ofm.wa.gov to ensure proper tracking. Informal contacts such as general questions can be sent directly to your assigned analyst.

Yvonne Knutson
Senior Budget Advisor to the Governor
