Other pages about the topic: Forecasting & Research

Corrections expenditures per capita

Washington State & Local Government Corrections Expenditures Per Capita

Inflation-Adjusted to 2022 Dollars

Hispanic population as a percent of total population


In 2022, the highest percentages of Hispanic residents were found in central Washington with Adams (65.6%), Franklin (55.4%), and Yakima (52.4%) counties posting the highest shares.

Population by age, mapped by county

Median Age, 2023

In 2010, the median age of persons living in Washington state was 37.3 years. In 2023 the median age had increased to 38.8 years.

Jefferson County had the highest median age in 2010 at 53.9 years. By 2023, the median age in Jefferson County had reached 64.1 years.
