Other pages about the topic: Forecasting & Research
Publications, tools, and data that describe the insurance status of Washingtonians, primary sources of insurance, the affordability of health insurance, and common options being considered locally and nationally for increasing access to insurance by individuals and their families.
Washington Economy
Where can I find the current rate of inflation?
Ongoing research into the use and distribution of medical services, as well as key public-private initiatives targeting health care improvement in Washington.
Information about the workforce and facilities that deliver health care in Washington.
Percent high school graduates
Population Age 25 and Above, 2022

Jefferson (97.1%), Whitman (95.8%), San Juan (95.8%), and Island (95.7%) County had the highest percentages of high school graduates in the period between 2018-2022.
Percent in households where English is spoken less than "very well"
Population Age 5 and Above, 2022

The smallest share of population where English was spoken less than "Very Well" was in Pend Oreille and Wahkiakum County at 0.2%. The highest share was in Adams County where 24.7% of persons were in this category.
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Data available for understanding key access, cost, and quality components of health care in Washington State. Some data sources allow comparison to other states. Primary data sources currently include local and national surveys and data gathering on population characteristics, employers, health services, health expenditures, and health status.
Links to common national health policy and research organizations, and state and federal agencies whose missions revolve around health policy.
Summaries of data from Washington State Employer Health Insurance database, including estimated coverage measurers and expenditures for employers and their employees.
Presented below is a series of graphs displaying trends for 2007-18 in each county in Washington and the state in measures associated with Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. The graphs are divided into 3 sections: