Other pages about the topic: Forecasting & Research

Average wages by county (map)

Average Wages, 1980

Inflation-Adjusted to 2022 Dollars

Median household income estimates

Median Household Income Estimates by County: 1989 to 2021; Preliminary estimates for 2022 and Projection for 2023

Washington export activity

Value of Washington exports

2022 ($ Millions)

Manufacturing employment as a percent of total

Manufacturing employment as a percent of total, 1980

  • State average: 17.8%
  • Highest county: Wahkiakum at 37.5%
  • Lowest county: Whitman at 1.6%

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Per capita personal income by county

Per Capita Personal Income, 1980

Inflation-Adjusted to 2022 Dollars

Long-term economic forecast

This file contains long-term population, nonagricultural employment, and personal income projections for Washington state. In contrast to the short-term economic forecasts that focus on assessing business cycle conditions, these long-term projections examine structural changes in industries, changes in production factors such as labor supply and capital investment and technology/productivity advances. Data are now forecast to 2050.

State-supported nursing home caseload

State-Supported Nursing Home and Home & Community Services Caseloads

(average monthly)
