Other pages about the topic: Social-economic data

Languages spoken at home (mapped by county)

Percent in households where English is spoken less than "very well"

Population Age 5 and Above, 2022

The smallest share of population where English was spoken less than "Very Well" was in Pend Oreille and Wahkiakum County at 0.2%. The highest share was in Adams County where 24.7% of persons were in this category.

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Single-parent families as a percent of all families with children (mapped by county)


Columbia County had the highest percentage of single parent families with 45.3%.

Wahiakum County had the lowest share of single parent families, with 5.3%.

Data Sources:

E-mail: OFM.Forecasting@ofm.wa.gov

One-parent and two-parent families

Families with Children Under 18 Headed by Single Parents

Year Percent
2022 29.6%
2010 29.5%
2000 27.1%
1990 23.7%

Poverty rate for single-parent families headed by a female householder (mapped by county)


Klickitat and Jefferson County had the highest percentage of single mother families in poverty at 46.7% and 43.5%.

The lowest poverty rates for families headed by single mothers was found in Columbia and Ferry County at 12.4% and 15%.

Language spoken at home

Persons Living in Households Where Language Other Than English Is Spoken

Age 5 and Over

Families by household type

Percent of Families by Household Type


Families in poverty by household type

Family Type With
Married Couple 4.2% 3.2%
Male Householder, No Wife Present 14.7% 4.9%
Female Householder, No Husband Present 25.7% 9.0%
