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Water Quality Program draft loan offer to the City of Washougal for updated infrastructure at the city’s wastewater treatment plant.

Ecology, Department of
Title of action
Water Quality Program draft loan offer to the City of Washougal for updated infrastructure at the city’s wastewater treatment plant.
Date significant agency action was initiated
Friday, February 2, 2024
Capital project, grant, or loan award of at least $12 million
Brief description of significant agency actions for which the agency is initiating an environmental justice assessment.
The purpose of this action is to provide the City of Washougal with $22,564,700 in loan funding to construct infrastructure updates at the municipality’s wastewater treatment plant including a new biological selector, new biosolids management facilities, and odor control facilities. These upgrades are needed to increase the facility’s capacity to process wastewater and address operational issues that have impeded the plant’s ability to meet permit requirements and respond to odor nuisances. The loan project is located at the City of Washougal Wastewater Treatment Plant, 3900 SE Lewis and Clark Hwy, Washougal, WA. Anticipated benefits from the improvements made with this loan include: • Meeting many permit provisions and regulatory requirements. • Implementing operations and maintenance best management practices outlined in engineering reports and permits to avoid future environmental and water quality impacts. • Replacing the existing lagoons with a mechanical thickening and dewatering process to achieve groundwater and wetland protections. • Future decommissioning of the existing lagoons to open several acres of publicly owned land for reuse. • Lowering biosolids treatment and disposal costs. • Resolving odor issues. • Increasing wastewater treatment capacity, allowing for continued growth in the City.
Methods for providing public comment for agency consideration as part of the environmental justice assessment.
Ecology plans to conduct engagement, focused on connecting with overburdened communities and vulnerable populations, for the purpose of the environmental justice assessment of this loan offer beginning in April 2024. Ecology conducted public engagement in February and March of 2024, with an online webinar and public comment period. We will respond to comments regarding overburdened communities or populations with vulnerabilities and will seek further involvement as needed to address concerns. Ecology will identify additional opportunities to engage overburdened communities in Clark County and provide opportunities for their meaningful involvement in this funding decision. Ecology will also invite tribal consultation with impacted tribes which includes but may not be limited to the Yakama Nation and Cowlitz Indian Tribe. Ecology will engage in consultation in formats that are requested by the tribes and that create opportunities for their meaningful involvement in this funding decision.
Date EJ Assessment was completed
Thursday, January 2, 2025