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Social media comment policy

Comments should be on topic. The views expressed in comments reflect those of the author. You are responsible for the content of your comments. We welcome comments reflecting any point of view that are on topic, but we expect comments to be civil. We reserve the right to remove comments that contain any of the following:

  • Comments that are off-topic, not related to the subject matter of the social media platform or links to material that is off-topic or unrelated subject matter.
  • Personal information including, but not limited to, email addresses, telephone numbers, mailing addresses or personal identification numbers.
  • Personal attacks, hate speech or defamatory statements, including derogatory epithets directed at another individual or group of individuals.
  • Violent, obscene, profane or threatening language.
  • Comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity.
  • Advertisements or solicitations, commercial promotions or spam.
  • Repetitive posts, including those that are copied and pasted.
  • Comments that promote or oppose any person campaigning for election to a federal, state or local elected office or promote or oppose any ballot proposition, legislation or agency rule making.
  • Plagiarized material or material that violates copyright or other intellectual property rights.

We reserve the right to ban users who repeatedly post comments that contain any of the above.

Please note that requests for records should not be submitted via comment.  If you would like to submit a records request to the agency, please use our Public Records Request Center.

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