Affidavits and declarations
Deceased employee - affidavit form |
25.70.30 |
Deceased employee - declaration form |
25.70.30 |
Deceased employee - multiple children - affidavit form |
25.70.30 |
Deceased employee - multiple children - declaration form |
25.70.30 |
Forged Endorsement, Affidavit of |
85.38.30 |
Lost or Destroyed Warrant, Affidavit of |
85.38.20 |
Release Outstanding or Canceled Warrants, Affidavit to |
85.38.40 |
Audit tracking - corrective action
Certification of Completion of Corrective Action Plan Template |
55.10.70.b |
Corrective Action Plan Template, Federal Finding |
55.10.60.c |
Corrective Action Plan Template, Fraud Report |
55.10.60.b |
Corrective Action Plan Template, General |
55.10.60.a |
Disclosure Forms - Federal
Federal Assistance Disclosure Form Lead Sheet |
95.20.10.b |
Federal Financial Assistance - Direct |
95.20.20 |
Federal Analytical Review - Direct |
95.20.30 |
Federal Nonfinancial Assistance |
95.20.40 |
Federal Nonfinancial Assistance Inventory Balances |
95.20.50 |
Federal Loan Balances |
95.20.60 |
Federal Assistance Received from Nonfederal Sources (Pass-Through) |
95.20.70 |
Federal Identification Numbers |
95.20.80 |
Federal Assistance Certification |
95.20.90 |
Disclosure Forms - State
State Disclosure Form Lead Sheet |
90.40.10 |
Cash and Investments General Disclosure |
90.40.20.a |
Cash and Investments Restricted Disclosure |
90.40.20.b |
Cash on Hand and in Bank Disclosure |
90.40.20.c |
Certificates of Deposit (Non-negotiable) Disclosure |
90.40.20.d |
Taxes Receivable Disclosure |
90.40.30 |
Inventory Disclosure |
90.40.35 |
Capital Assets - Summary of Activity Disclosure |
90.40.38 |
Capital Assets - Summary of Activity Disclosure: COMPLETED EXAMPLE |
90.40.38 |
Long-Term Construction Commitments Disclosure |
90.40.40 |
Lease Disclosure |
90.40.45.a |
Liabilities by Major Class - Summary of Activity Disclosure |
90.40.45.b |
Certificates of Participation (COPs) Disclosure - Agencies |
90.40.45.c |
Certificates of Participation (COPs) Disclosure - OST |
90.40.45.d |
Unavailable and Unearned Revenues Disclosure |
90.40.50 |
Debt General Disclosure |
90.40.55.a |
Bond Debt by Major Class - Summary of Activity Disclosure |
90.40.55.b |
Bond Sales Disclosure |
90.40.55.c |
Transfers Disclosure |
90.40.60 |
Transfers Disclosure: COMPLETED EXAMPLE |
90.40.60 |
Pension Disclosure - Department of Retirement Systems |
90.40.70.a |
Pension Disclosure - Higher Education Institutions |
90.40.70.b |
Miscellaneous Disclosure |
90.40.75 |
Internal Control Questionnaire Disclosure |
90.40.80 |
Financial Disclosure Certification |
90.40.95 |
Deceased employees: Receipt of payment of amounts due deceased employees |
25.70.30.g |
Employee Payroll Records Transmittal (12-011) |
25.20.50.d |
Personnel Records Transmittal/Receipt Verification (12-090) |
25.20.50.d |
Employee signed authorization for direct deposit |
25.70.20.a |
Petty cash authorization
Application and Authorization for Petty Cash Advance - Treasury Accounts |
85.50.60.a |
Copy Center Request Form (A24) |
85.32.30 |
Purchase Order (A17-A, A17-1A) - search for “Purchase order template” on this page |
85.32.30 |
Invoice Voucher (A19) |
85.32.30 |
Journal Voucher (A7) |
85.32.30 |
Printing Requisition (A21) |
85.32.30 |
Purchase Order (A16) |
85.32.30 |
Purchase Requisition (A15) |
85.32.30 |
Receiving Report - Partial Delivery (A18) |
85.32.30 |
Refund Voucher (A19-3) |
85.32.30 |
Voucher Distribution (A19-2) |
85.32.30 |
Reimbursement rates for lodging, meals and privately owned vehicle mileage |
10.90.20 |
Travel Authorization (A40) |
10.10.50.a |
Travel Expense Voucher - Employees (A20-A) |
85.32.30 |
Travel Expense Voucher - Board Members and Commissions (A20-2A) |
85.32.30 |
Writs of garnishment
Calculations for FIRST/SECOND Answer to Writ of Garnishment, Continuing Lien |
25.60.50 |
Cash Receipt Journal Summary (A8) |
85.20.10.e |
Cellular Device Authorization and Agreement Form |
25.30.40.a |
EFS - Business Case |
40.40.30 |
EFS - Cost Benefit Analysis |
40.40.40 |
Uniform Statewide Account Code Structure |
80.30.82 |