2021-23 Operating Budget Instructions
Budget Contact
Contact information
Insurance building
302 Sid Snyder Ave SW
Olympia, Wa 98501
Table of contents
2021-23 Budget Instructions memo from OFM Director David Shumacher (June 15, 2020)
2021-23 Biennium Operating Budget Instructions - complete document
Chapter 1: Budget Request Basics
- About the instructions
- Components of the 2021-23 budget instructions
- Context for state agency budget requests
- The budget in two views
- How to submit and what are the required elements and format?
- What is a decision package?
- Required elements of a decision package
- Other general preparation requirements
- 2021-23 biennial budget decision package
Chapter 3: Activities and Performance
- What are the budget submittal requirements for activities?
- How to treat administrative costs in the activity inventory
- What are the budget submittal requirements for performance measures?
- Performance measure incremental estimates
Chapter 4: Recommendation Summary View
- What is the recommendation summary?
- RecSum submittal requirements
Chapter 5: Carry-Forward, Maintenance and Policy Levels
- What is carry-forward level?
- What is maintenance level?
- What is policy level?
- Unanticipated receipts
Chapter 6: Salary, Pension and Insurance Data
- Agency compensation data collection and update
- Valid pension system codes
- Other compensation cost notes
Chapter 7: Agency Revenues and Fund Balance Reports
- Summarized revenues report
- Fund summary and fund balancing
- Revenue transfer reconciliation statement
- Working capital reserve
- Approval for new or increased fees
- Submittal process
Chapter 9: Facility Leases and Facility Maintenance
- Lease renewal and rate adjustments, major lease requests and six-year facilities plan
Chapter 10: Information Technology
- Information technology planning and budget requests
- IT investments must comply with IT policy for reuse
- Decision package content when there are IT costs
- Guidance on completing the IT addendum
- Statewide IT plan and technology budget
- 2021-23 budget instructions for One Washington projects
Chapter 11: Central Service Charges, Risk Management and Self-Insurance Premiums
- What are central services?
- Which agencies are central service providers?
- When does my agency submit the fund split we would like used for central services? Where is the form I use?
- Does my agency receive funding for central services?
- When are these calculated and when do I receive funding?
- Where in the budget can I see the amounts I received for central services?
- How is the fund split used to spread central services determined? Who does this?
- Why charges are spread this way
- How can I see my base funding and amount by fiscal year?
- How can my agency receive funding for a central service?
- My agency’s consumption of a central service didn’t change but we received additional funding, why?
- Which budgets are adjusted for central service costs?
- My agency is a central service provider. What information is required?
- Risk management and self-insurance premiums
- Worker’s compensation premiums
- Are there other central service provider charges not included in the central service model?
- How can an agency know if any of the above charges impact their agency?
- Who to contact if you have questions about central services
Chapter 12: Other Budget Reports
- Nonbudgeted local fund summaries
- State matching requirements for federal funding
- Additional federal receipts reporting requirements
- Puget Sound recovery
- Actions and investments related to climate resiliency
- Other budget reports and data