Twelfth Legislative District

Project ID
Project Title
Estimate Total Prior Expenditures Reapprop. 2023-25 New Approp. 2023-25 Estimated New Approp. 2025-27 Estimated New Approp. 2027-29 Estimated New Approp. 2029-31 Estimated New Approp. 2031-33

461 Department of Ecology

Twin Lake Aquifer Recharge Project
750,000 621,000 129,000

465 State Parks and Recreation Commission

Sun Lakes State Park: Dry Falls Campground Renovation
9,114,000 112,000 290,000 8,712,000
Lake Chelan State Park Moorage Dock Pile Replacement
2,418,000 1,772,000 72,000 574,000
Pearrygin Lake West Campground Development
4,885,000 4,885,000
Sun Lakes - Dry Falls Visitor's Center Renovation
6,964,000 5,958,000 1,006,000
Sun Lakes Replace Primary Lift Station
1,356,000 1,356,000
Total for State Parks and Recreation Commission 24,737,000 1,884,000 362,000 7,888,000 14,603,000

699 Community and Technical College System

Wenatchee Valley: Wells Hall Replacement
32,371,000 29,259,000 3,112,000
Wenatchee: Center for Technical Education and Innovation
49,737,000 986,000 2,280,000 46,471,000
Total for Community and Technical College System 82,108,000 30,245,000 5,392,000 46,471,000
Total for Twelfth Legislative District 107,595,000 32,750,000 5,883,000 54,359,000 14,603,000