Twenty-Fifth Legislative District

Project ID
Project Title
Estimate Total Prior Expenditures Reapprop. 2023-25 New Approp. 2023-25 Estimated New Approp. 2025-27 Estimated New Approp. 2027-29 Estimated New Approp. 2029-31 Estimated New Approp. 2031-33

350 Superintendent of Public Instruction

Pierce County Skills Center - Evergreen Building Modernization
9,830,000 48,000 9,782,000
Chief Leschi School HVAC
10,000,000 10,000,000
Total for Superintendent of Public Instruction 19,830,000 48,000 9,782,000 10,000,000

477 Department of Fish and Wildlife

SRKW Puyallup Hatchery Expansion
5,985,000 959,000 5,026,000

699 Community and Technical College System

Pierce Puyallup: STEM building
41,969,000 3,448,000 38,521,000
Total for Twenty-Fifth Legislative District 67,784,000 3,496,000 48,303,000 10,000,000 959,000 5,026,000