Forty-Sixth Legislative District

Project ID
Project Title
Estimate Total Prior Expenditures Reapprop. 2023-25 New Approp. 2023-25 Estimated New Approp. 2025-27 Estimated New Approp. 2027-29 Estimated New Approp. 2029-31 Estimated New Approp. 2031-33

360 University of Washington

Behavioral Health Teaching Facility
234,000,000 194,000,000 40,000,000
Behavioral Health Teaching Facility
10,000,000 10,000,000
UWMC NW - Campus Behavioral Health Renovation
15,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 13,000,000
Total for University of Washington 259,000,000 195,000,000 51,000,000 13,000,000

465 State Parks and Recreation Commission

Saint Edward Maintenance Facility
2,524,000 288,000 2,236,000

699 Community and Technical College System

North Seattle Library Building Renovation
33,967,000 19,512,000 14,455,000
Total for Forty-Sixth Legislative District 295,491,000 214,800,000 67,691,000 13,000,000