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State Office Administration - Supt of Public Instruction

The Office supports school district activities through leadership and advocacy, technical assistance, and allocation of state and federal funds. It also monitors and enforces program standards and state policies and reports information on management and school improvements to the Governor and the Legislature. A number of state and federal grants are also included in this program.
Request 274,031,000
Net change from current biennium 98,263,269 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 55.9% Increase

Program Level Summary

Fund Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
General Fund - Federal 52,469,131 65,506,230 26,201,786 75,515,000 75,853,000
General Fund - Private/Local 377,887 62,174 (65,769) 4,041,000 4,042,000
General Fund - State 33,139,718 42,335,624 16,232,515 51,931,000 50,933,000
Elem & Sec School Emerg Relief III Acct - Federal 5,697,880 955,271 151,127
Educator Certification Processing Account - Nonappropriated 2,106,803 3,219,531 1,499,736 1,234,000 1,338,000
K-12 Criminal Background Check Account - Nonappropriated 2,214,125 2,322,768 998,062 20,000 29,000
Washington History Day Account - Nonappropriated 13,673 13,778
Information Technology Investment Revolving Account - Nonappropriated 125,000 330,805
Financial Education Public-Private Partnership Account - Nonappropriated 50,000 50,000
Federal Food Service Revolving Account - Nonappropriated 1,328,469 1,260,330 724,853 1,557,000 1,680,000
Miscellaneous Program Account - Nonappropriated 138,282 375,000 1,673,000
WA Opportunity Pathways Account - State 97,622 8,444,931 27,781 146,000 147,000
Charter Schools Oversight Account - State 7,300
Workforce Education Investment Account - State 4,876,476 4,020,331 523,006 953,000 958,000
Dedicated Cannabis Account - State 539,008 580,574 207,014 639,000 654,000
Statewide Information Technology System Development Revolving Account - State 22,691 33,330
Performance Audits of Government Account - State 108,000 105,000
Annual Total 102,972,119 129,220,514 46,547,217 136,569,000 137,462,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
45,468,039 30.2% (20,236,640) (10.3%) 98,263,269 55.9%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 297.5 311.1 318.3 343.9 346.0