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Educational Service Districts - Supt of Public Instruction

The nine educational service districts (ESDs) provide services to Washington public and state approved schools on a regional basis. They are required to ensure equalized educational opportunities and to deliver programs that are more effective or economical at the regional level. The ESDs assist the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education in the performance of their duties and provide technical and professional consultation in their liaison capacity between the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and local school officials. The state allocates funding for the following staff to provide basic core services: one FTE superintendent, two FTE curriculum specialists, two FTE fiscal officers, three FTE support staff and two FTE professional development specialists. These staff perform state mandated services such as administration, fiscal, curriculum, and certification support. Core services provide the necessary infrastructure to develop and expand cooperative and fee for service programs to meet the special needs of local schools. Through the ESDs, schools can take part in financial cooperatives for purchasing and insurance, or other cooperatives such as special education, bus maintenance, and distance learning. ESDs also provide statewide coordination of legislated special and pilot programs at a regional level.
Request 85,284,000
Net change from current biennium 22,577,959 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 36.0% Increase

Program Level Summary

Fund Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
General Fund - State 32,537,493 42,491,721 18,301,909 41,313,000 41,271,000
Workforce Education Investment Account - State 1,350,000 562,410 1,350,000 1,350,000
Annual Total 32,537,493 43,841,721 18,864,319 42,663,000 42,621,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
24,645,941 67.3% 1,415,300 2.3% 22,577,959 36.0%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 0.28