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Institutional Education - Supt of Public Instruction

The Superintendent of Public Instruction is required by statute (RCW 28A.190) to provide educational programs to all students committed to state institutions. The program provides educational services via local school districts and Education Service Districts to 35 centers (group homes, detention centers, residential habilitation centers, and delinquent institutions). The program also provides liaison to the State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. This program is responsible for providing technical assistance regarding basic education issues and Title 1 Neglected and Delinquent services to each school within detention centers, group homes, and juvenile institutions. This program is required by federal regulations to monitor Title 10 services provided within these programs. In addition, these funds are earmarked to provide services specifically to institutionalized and deinstitutionalized disabled students. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is by law responsible for providing special education services to students with disabilities who reside in the state residential habilitation centers, juvenile prisons, juvenile detention centers and group homes under the aforementioned legislation.
Request 38,538,000
Net change from current biennium 11,928,285 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 44.8% Increase

Program Level Summary

Fund Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
General Fund - State 14,962,775 16,478,000 10,131,715 18,769,000 19,769,000
Annual Total 14,962,775 16,478,000 10,131,715 18,769,000 19,769,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
(1,725,355) (5.7%) (2,175,964) (7.6%) 11,928,285 44.8%