Department of Revenue - Current Law

RCW 82, 83, 84

The Department of Revenue collects revenues to fund public services in Washington state. This includes the administration of tax programs and business licensing, collection of revenues on behalf of the state and local governments, and the provision of tax policy analysis and interpretation to assist in the formulation of sound tax policy.

Agency Mission

Our mission is to fairly and efficiently collect revenues to fund public services.
Request 860,242,000
Net change from current biennium 48,470,000 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 6.0% Increase

Operating Budget: Summary

Appropriated Funds

2023-25 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed
General Fund - Federal
Local Leasehold Excise Tax Account - Nonappropriated 74,339,139
Local Sales & Use Tax Account - Nonappropriated 14,718,685,971
Real Estate & Property Tax Assist - Nonappropriated 1,292,515
County 911 Excise Tax Accountt - Nonappropriated 160,037,004
(19,805,000) Unclaimed Personal Property Account - Nonappropriated 13,957,775 19,805,000 19,947,000
7,051,070 7,051,070 Info Tech Invest Rev Acct - Nonappropriated
Local Real Estate Excise Tax Acct - Nonappropriated 32,528,192
Local Tourism Promotion Account - Nonappropriated 40,079,836
757,740,000 General Fund - State 444,185,389 757,740,000 804,071,000
8,136,000 Timber Tax Distribution Account - State 6,063,153 8,136,000 8,189,000
19,886,000 Business License Account - State 21,038,162 19,886,000 22,597,000
183,000 Waste Reduct/Recycle/Litter Control - State 172,626 183,000 184,000
127,000 Model Toxics Control Operating Acct - State 117,806 127,000 128,000
895,000 Climate Commitment Account - State 895,000 126,000
5,000,000 Financial Services Regulation Acct - State 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000
1,584,000 1,584,000 SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State 245,978
Pension Funding Stabilization Acct - State
800,602,070 (11,169,930) Total Appropriated Funds 15,517,743,544 811,772,000 860,242,000

Non-Appropriated Funds

Operating Budget: Program Summary

Program Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
Annual Total 311,778,990 347,567,903 98,869,635 430,024,000 430,218,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
175,132,827 55.5% (44,343,350) (9.0%) 413,804,461 92.7%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 1,281.0 1,356.9 1,398.7 1,493.1 1,492.4