Aviation - Department of Transportation - Current Law

The Aviation program’s mission is to enhance the interests of the Washington state aeronautics and aviation system in ways that strengthen our transportation system, economy and quality of life. The program aims to encourage, foster and assist in the development of aeronautics in the state, preserve and improve the state’s system of 134 public use airports, promote the economic value of airports, encourage infrastructure development, manage aviation emergency operations and maintain 16 state-operated airports. In addition, the program maintains an aircraft registry, and provides grants and technical assistance to public-use airports for infrastructure improvements, planning, safety and security projects.
Request 16,846,000
Net change from current biennium 6,720,827 Increase
Percent change from current biennium 66.4% Increase

Program Level Summary

Fund Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
Aeronautics Account - Federal 679,092 773,283 1,487,725 1,525,000 1,075,000
Aeronautics Account - Private/Local 25,274 22,062 7,011 30,000 30,000
Aeronautics Account - State 4,580,413 6,746,708 1,071,310 7,249,000 6,925,000
Washington State Aviation Account - Nonappropriated 10,107 17,074
Public Use General Aviation Airport Loan Revolving Account - Nonappropriated 5,000 7,000
Multimodal Transportation Account - State 150,000
Move Ahead WA Flexible Account - State 9,983
Annual Total 5,454,868 7,559,127 2,566,046 8,809,000 8,037,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
1,443,469 21.1% 1,849,437 22.3% 6,720,827 66.4%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 10.2 10.3 10.0 13.3 13.9