Department of Agriculture - Current Law

RCW 43.23

The Department of Agriculture carries out a broad spectrum of activities that benefit the producers, distributors and consumers of food and agricultural products. The department protects public health and safety through its regulation of food producers, processors and distributors, and its regulation of pesticide and fertilizer use. The department seeks to protect the state's natural resources, its agricultural industry and the public through surveillance, control, and/or eradication of selected plant pests and diseases and animal diseases in Washington state. The department works to facilitate the orderly movement of agricultural products in domestic and international markets by providing timely and accurate official inspection and certification of grain, fruits, vegetables, nursery stock, seeds, livestock and other agricultural commodities. The department combats hunger and improves health among low-income individuals and families by supporting nutritious food distribution, food banks and tribal food voucher programs. The department assists with the development of agricultural markets and to guarantee marketplace equity for businesses and consumers.

Agency Mission

Through service, regulation and advocacy, the Washington State Department of Agriculture supports the viability and vitality of agriculture while protecting consumers, public health and the environment.
Request 319,324,000
Net change from current biennium (59,682,000) Decrease
Percent change from current biennium (15.7%) Decrease

Operating Budget: Summary

Appropriated Funds

2023-25 Appropriations Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed
48,282,000 General Fund - Federal 43,896,986 48,282,000 47,095,000
36,875,000 36,875,000 Coronavirus St Fiscal Recovery Fund - Federal 139,643,760
193,000 General Fund - Private/Local 57,238 193,000 193,000
Industrial Insurance Premium Refund - Nonappropriated 348,376
(81,528,000) Agricultural Local Account - Nonappropriated 59,159,960 81,528,000 83,217,000
(28,775,000) Grain Inspection Revolving Acct - Nonappropriated 28,260,281 28,775,000 29,693,000
(5,604,000) Fair Account - Nonappropriated 6,589,240 5,604,000 5,604,000
NE WA Wolf-Livestock Management - Nonappropriated 55,847
(412,000) Hemp Regulatory Account - Nonappropriated 312,094 412,000 412,000
(46,532,000) Fruit and Vegetable Inspection Acct - Nonappropriated 31,366,633 46,532,000 42,543,000
Rural Rehabilitation Account - Nonappropriated 15,000
(28,000) Livestock Nutrient Management Acct - Nonappropriated 15,440 28,000 28,000
140,445,000 General Fund - State 89,935,598 140,445,000 82,706,000
2,863,000 Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account - State 2,489,185 2,863,000 2,900,000
Disaster Response Account - State
1,473,000 Motor Vehicle Account - State 1,266,083 1,473,000 1,550,000
73,000 Water Quality Permit Account - State 18,941 73,000 73,000
1,600,000 NE WA Wolf-Livestock Management - State 1,042,000 1,600,000 251,000
13,822,000 Model Toxics Control Operating Acct - State 8,777,521 13,822,000 14,676,000
Hemp Regulatory Account - State (320,000)
7,376,000 Climate Commitment Account - State 7,376,000 5,751,000
261,000 261,000 Natural Climate Solutions Account - State
1,000,000 1,000,000 Agricult Pest & Disease Response Ac - State
Dedicated Cannabis Account - State 1,214,078 2,968,000
1,312,000 1,312,000 SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State
Pension Funding Stabilization Acct - State
Salary/Insurance Contrib Increase R - State 2,000
Livestock Nutrient Management Acct - State (16,000)
255,575,000 (123,431,000) Total Appropriated Funds 414,466,260 379,006,000 319,324,000

Non-Appropriated Funds

Capital Budget: Summary

  Appropriated Funds Expenditures
Amount Estimated Balance   Actual Estimated Proposed
(200,000) State Tax Bld Construction Account - 200,000 200,000
9,200,640 199,640 State Building Construction Account - State 7,035,317 9,001,000 5,986,000
100,000 Climate Commitment Account - State 100,000 100,000
5,000,000 Natural Climate Solutions Account - State 5,000,000 5,000,000
14,300,640 (360) Total Appropriated Funds 7,035,317 14,301,000 11,286,000

Operating Budget: Program Summary

Program Title Actual Estimated Proposed
Actual Estimated Estimated Proposed Proposed
Annual Total 251,578,151 193,459,067 67,893,238 160,718,000 160,942,000

Operating Budget: Change from Preceding Biennium

Actual Estimated Proposed
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
160,455,280 63.2% (153,098,954) (36.9%) 60,307,694 23.1%

Employment Summary

  Actual Estimated Proposed
  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Estimated 2024-25 Estimated 2025-26 Proposed 2026-27 Proposed
FTE Staff Years 779.2 834.6 886.6 947.3 938.5