Office of Financial Management

  Average Annual FTEs Near General Fund State Other Funds Total Funds
  (Dollars in Thousands)
Current Budget 549.0 45,207 431,873 477,080
2025-27 Maintenance Level 461.9 40,946 286,781 327,727
Difference from 2025-27 Original (87.1) (4,261) (145,092) (149,353)
% Change from 2025-27 Original (15.9%) (9.4%) (33.6%) (31.3%)

2025 Policy Other Changes

Enterprise Fee Update 0.0 0 4,000 4,000
Enterprise Fee Offset 0.0 0 (4,000) (4,000)
ERDC Data System Modernization 4.0 0 1,217 1,217
Single Audit 0.0 0 200 200
OneWa AFRS Replacement 76.4 0 134,230 134,230
Behavioral Health JLEC 0.0 62 0 62
AmeriCorps Climate Corps 0.0 0 (2,000) (2,000)
Olympic Heritage BH Study 0.0 350 0 350
RD1 - CSM Offset 0.0 0 1,600 1,600
Performance Audit 0.0 0 500 500
Reduce - Central Service EA 0.0 0 (1,600) (1,600)
2025 Policy Other Changes Total 80.4 412 134,147 134,559

2025 Policy Comp Changes

Non-Rep General Wage Increase 0.0 1,331 5,287 6,618
Updated PEBB Rate 0.0 (41) (159) (200)
PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase 0.0 22 90 112
Pension Benefit Amortization 0.0 (82) (328) (410)
2025 Policy Comp Changes Total 0.0 1,230 4,890 6,120

2025 Policy Central Services Changes

Archives/Records Management 0.0 0 1 1
Audit Services 0.0 6 17 23
Legal Services 0.0 22 40 62
WTS Central Services 0.0 130 349 479
DES Central Services 0.0 103 1 104
OFM Central Services 0.0 267 723 990
GOV Central Services 0.0 2 6 8
2025 Policy Central Services Changes Total 0.0 530 1,137 1,667
Total Policy Changes 80.4 2,172 140,174 142,346
2025-27 Policy Level 542.3 43,118 426,955 470,073
Difference from 2023-25 (6.7) (2,089) (4,918) (7,007)
% Change from 2025-27 Original (1.2%) (4.6%) (1.1%) (1.5%)

Policy Changes

Enterprise Fee Update

An increase in the Enterprise Service Fee to match increased expenses for maintaining and operating the enterprise systems used by agencies to manage their budgets, accounting, and human resources. (SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated)

Enterprise Fee Offset

CSM offset for Enterprise Fee Update. (SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated)

ERDC Data System Modernization

Funding is provided for the Education Research and Data Center (ERDC) to conduct research that informs policy and decision-making at the state level and with partner institutions with additional staffing . The expanded staff capacity will maintain ERDC's system and assist with OFM's public-safety-related cross-sector data systems. (OFM Central Service Account - State)

Single Audit

Funding is provided for a single audit. (Performance Audits of Government - State)

OneWa AFRS Replacement

Funding is provided for Phase 1A of the Workday Enterprise Resource Planning project. (SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State)

Behavioral Health JLEC

Funding is shifted for contract costs to provide staff support for a Joint Legislative and Executive Committee on Behavioral Health. (General Fund - State)

AmeriCorps Climate Corps

Funding is reduced for AmeriCorps Climate Corps (Climate Commitment Account - State)

Olympic Heritage BH Study

Funding is shifted for the Olympic Heritage Behavioral Health (OHBH) study, including an analysis of what types of beds should be operated at the OHBH facility, what entity/entities should provide services there, and strategies for optimizing federal Medicaid match for provided services. (General Fund - State)

RD1 - CSM Offset

Central Service Model Offset for item: Reduction to match Central Service Model with Expenditure Authority. (OFM Central Service Account - State)

Performance Audit

Funding is provided for a performance audit. (Performance Audits of Government - State)

Reduce - Central Service EA

Reduction to match Central Service Model with Expenditure Authority. (OFM Central Service Account - State)

Non-Rep General Wage Increase

Funding is provided for wage increases for state employees who are not represented by a union or are not under a bargaining agreement that is subject to financial feasibility determination. It is sufficient for a general wage increase of 3%, effective July 1, 2025, and a general wage increase of 2%, effective July 1, 2026. This item includes both general government and higher education workers. (General Fund - State, SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

Updated PEBB Rate

This item adjusts the employer funding rate for public employee insurance benefits to reflect policy-level decision packages. It increases the rate by $8 per month in the first fiscal year and decreases the rate by $34 per month in the second fiscal year, compared to the maintenance-level update, for a total rate of $1,315 in the first year and $1,355 in the second year. (General Fund - Federal, Higher Education Personnel Services - State, OFM Labor Relations Service Account - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

PERS & TRS Plan 1 Benefit Increase

An adjustment is made for pension contribution rates, including to fund a benefit increase of 3%, up to a maximum of $110 per month for eligible Public Employees' and Teachers' Retirement Systems Plan 1 members. (General Fund - State, SW Info Tech Sys Dev Rev Acct - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

Pension Benefit Amortization

An adjustment is made to the base pension rates, as set out in a proposed bill addressing the calculation of the base rate for the 2025–27 biennium, as well as amortization of Plan 1 benefit increases. (General Fund - Federal, Higher Education Personnel Services - State, OFM Labor Relations Service Account - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

Archives/Records Management

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated share of charges for archives and records management services provided by the Secretary of State's Office. (SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated)

Audit Services

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of audits performed by the State Auditor's Office. (General Fund - State, OFM Central Service Account - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

Legal Services

Adjustments are made for each agency's anticipated cost of legal services provided by the Attorney General's Office. Because legal services expenditures are based on consumption, funding provided in the central service model is not all inclusive. The methodology to estimate consumption is a two-year average and allows for analysis to incorporate unique agency circumstances. (General Fund - State, OFM Labor Relations Service Account - Non-Appropriated, Personnel Service Account - State)

WTS Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from Washington Technology Solutions for the Office of Cybersecurity, state network, enterprise and small agency IT services, enterprise architecture and data management, Microsoft 365 licenses, and other items. (General Fund - State, OFM Central Service Account - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

DES Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from the Department of Enterprise Services for Capitol Campus costs; real estate, risk management, and small agency services; the Perry Street and Capitol Campus child care centers; enterprise applications, and other items. (General Fund - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated)

OFM Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from the Office of Financial Management for existing statewide applications, the One Washington program, and other central services. See Chapter 11 of the 2025–27 OFM Budget Instructions for allocation methodologies. (General Fund - State, OFM Central Service Account - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)

GOV Central Services

Adjustments are made to reflect each agency's anticipated share of charges from the Office of the Governor for the Office of Equity. (General Fund - State, Personnel Service Account - State, SW Info Tech Sys M & O Rev Acct - Non-Appropriated, other funds)