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All Budgeted Funds - Table 13 New Law

Federal Revenue by Agency and Fund

2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed

Administrative Office of the Courts

General Fund 2,473,000
Total Administrative Office of the Courts 2,473,000

Office of Public Defense

General Fund 214,000
Total Office of Public Defense 214,000

Special Appropriations to the Governor

General Fund 301,497,000
Coronavirus Capital Projects Account 7,940,000 41,622,000
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund 3,300,875,000
Total Special Appropriations to the Governor 3,610,312,000 41,622,000

Office of the Secretary of State

General Fund 12,294,000 13,123,000
Election Account 294,000 476,000
Total Office of the Secretary of State 12,588,000 476,000 13,123,000

Office of Attorney General

General Fund 16,522,000 6,003,000
Federal Seizure Account 1,287,000
Total Office of Attorney General 17,809,000 6,003,000

Department of Commerce

General Fund 765,705,000 303,211,000
Total Department of Commerce 765,705,000 303,211,000

Office of Financial Management

General Fund 365,020,000 36,428,000
Total Office of Financial Management 365,020,000 36,428,000

Washington State Health Care Authority

General Fund 18,504,870,000 11,816,000 22,910,448,000
Total Washington State Health Care Authority 18,504,870,000 11,816,000 22,910,448,000

Washington State Gambling Commission

Federal Seizure Account 12,000
Total Washington State Gambling Commission 12,000

Human Rights Commission

General Fund 1,686,000 2,986,000
Total Human Rights Commission 1,686,000 2,986,000

Office of Insurance Commissioner

General Fund 4,072,000 1,013,000 4,724,000
Total Office of Insurance Commissioner 4,072,000 1,013,000 4,724,000

Liquor and Cannabis Board

General Fund 2,233,000 3,191,000
Federal Seizure Account 37,000
Total Liquor and Cannabis Board 2,270,000 3,191,000

Utilities and Transportation Commission

Public Service Revolving Account 63,000 10,000 100,000
Pipeline Safety Account 2,980,000 2,502,000 3,419,000
Total Utilities and Transportation Commission 3,043,000 2,512,000 3,519,000

Washington State Patrol

General Fund 10,005,000 16,964,000
State Patrol Highway Account 17,493,000
Federal Seizure Account 132,000 158,000 162,000
Total Washington State Patrol 27,630,000 158,000 17,126,000

Traffic Safety Commission

Highway Safety Account 23,958,000
Total Traffic Safety Commission 23,958,000

Department of Labor and Industries

General Fund 20,806,000 952,000 13,271,000
Accident Account 15,950,000 16,228,000 20,183,000
Medical Aid Account 3,338,000 3,252,000 3,960,000
Total Department of Labor and Industries 40,094,000 20,432,000 37,414,000

Department of Licensing

Highway Safety Account 23,000
Motor Vehicle Account 121,000
Total Department of Licensing 144,000

Military Department

General Fund 132,209,000 21,230,000
Disaster Response Account 1,302,737,000 423,962,000 603,792,000
State Hazard Mitigation Revl Loan Acct 9,000,000
Total Military Department 1,434,946,000 423,962,000 634,022,000

Department of Social and Health Services

General Fund 9,628,036,000 309,676,000 12,360,843,000
Total Department of Social and Health Services 9,628,036,000 309,676,000 12,360,843,000

Department of Health

General Fund 470,716,000 22,000,000 605,162,000
Drinking Water Assistance Account 44,698,000 19,958,000 40,131,000
Covid-19 Public Health Response Account 620,273,000 370,114,000
Total Department of Health 1,135,687,000 412,072,000 645,293,000

Department of Veterans Affairs

General Fund 122,726,000 8,242,000 172,492,000
Total Department of Veterans Affairs 122,726,000 8,242,000 172,492,000

Department of Children, Youth, and Families

General Fund 1,660,222,000 4,819,000 1,217,430,000
Home Visiting Services Account 19,940,000 20,440,000
Total Department of Children, Youth, and Families 1,680,162,000 25,259,000 1,217,430,000

Department of Corrections

General Fund 2,918,000 438,000 17,624,000
Federal Seizure Account 211,000 102,000
Total Department of Corrections 3,129,000 540,000 17,624,000

Department of Services for the Blind

General Fund 23,364,000 29,824,000
Total Department of Services for the Blind 23,364,000 29,824,000

Student Achievement Council

General Fund 7,949,000 15,274,000
Health Professionals Loan Repayment and Scholarship Program Account 1,362,000 1,496,000 2,000,000
Total Student Achievement Council 9,311,000 1,496,000 17,274,000

Superintendent of Public Instruction

General Fund 3,032,992,000 2,402,814,000
Common School Construction Account 3,793,000 1,404,000
Elem & Sec School Emerg Relief III Acct 1,152,055,000 1,087,490,000
Federal Food Service Revolving Account 107,766,000 108,930,000 148,157,000
Total Superintendent of Public Instruction 4,296,606,000 1,197,824,000 2,550,971,000

Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board

General Fund 45,548,000 57,107,000
Total Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board 45,548,000 57,107,000

Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation

General Fund 2,660,000 2,649,000
Total Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 2,660,000 2,649,000

University of Washington

Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account 1,648,191,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account 469,674,000 98,000
Total University of Washington 2,117,865,000 98,000

Washington State University

Inst of Higher Educ Morrill-Bankhead-Jones Act Acct - Federal Approps Account 14,198,000 19,768,000 22,798,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account 756,813,000 706,332,000 343,870,000
Total Washington State University 771,011,000 726,100,000 366,668,000

Eastern Washington University

Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account 39,279,000 22,798,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account 2,000
Total Eastern Washington University 39,281,000 22,798,000

Central Washington University

Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account 65,817,000 45,366,000 45,356,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account 35,000 32,000 32,000
Total Central Washington University 65,852,000 45,398,000 45,388,000

The Evergreen State College

Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account 19,068,000 6,610,000 6,788,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account 26,000 214,000 10,000
Total The Evergreen State College 19,094,000 6,824,000 6,798,000

Western Washington University

Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account 49,618,000 18,452,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account 283,000 288,000
Total Western Washington University 49,901,000 18,740,000

Washington State Arts Commission

General Fund 2,535,000 2,835,000
Total Washington State Arts Commission 2,535,000 2,835,000

Washington State Historical Society

Local Museum Account - Washington State Historical Society 192,000
Total Washington State Historical Society 192,000

Eastern Washington State Historical Society

General Fund 62,000
Total Eastern Washington State Historical Society 62,000

Department of Transportation

Aeronautics Account 1,050,000
Puget Sound Capital Construction Account 96,949,000
Motor Vehicle Account 784,156,000 6,915,000 7,274,000
Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account 157,199,000
State Route Number 520 Corridor Account 199,039,000
Multimodal Transportation Account 5,548,000
Move Ahead WA Account 7,200,000
Move Ahead WA Flexible Account 888,000
Total Department of Transportation 1,252,029,000 6,915,000 7,274,000

Columbia River Gorge Commission

General Fund 32,000
Total Columbia River Gorge Commission 32,000

Department of Ecology

General Fund 70,697,000 (413,000) 277,392,000
Water Pollution Control Revolv Acct 78,704,000 98,586,000 372,572,000
Total Department of Ecology 149,401,000 98,173,000 649,964,000

Pollution Liability Insurance Program

General Fund 811,000 1,110,000
Total Pollution Liability Insurance Program 811,000 1,110,000

State Parks and Recreation Commission

General Fund 7,044,000 7,238,000
Total State Parks and Recreation Commission 7,044,000 7,238,000

Recreation and Conservation Funding Board

General Fund 62,970,000
Total Recreation and Conservation Funding Board 62,970,000

State Conservation Commission

General Fund 621,000
Total State Conservation Commission 621,000

Department of Fish and Wildlife

General Fund 141,400,000 102,000 166,990,000
Special Wildlife Account 1,143,000 90,000 522,000
Regional Fisheries Enhancement Salmonid Recovery Account 2,396,000 2,688,000 5,248,000
Fish and Wildlife Federal Lands Revolving Account 30,000 476,000
Total Department of Fish and Wildlife 144,969,000 3,356,000 172,760,000

Puget Sound Partnership

General Fund 13,030,000 32,056,000
Total Puget Sound Partnership 13,030,000 32,056,000

Department of Natural Resources

General Fund 79,975,000 166,840,000
Natural Resources Federal Lands Revolving Account 5,532,000 17,891,000 35,310,000
Total Department of Natural Resources 85,507,000 17,891,000 202,150,000

Department of Agriculture

General Fund 41,897,000 12,231,000 3,202,000
Total Department of Agriculture 41,897,000 12,231,000 3,202,000

Employment Security Department

General Fund 183,105,000 12,045,000 164,732,000
Unemployment Compensation Administration Account 343,225,000 302,178,000 252,541,000
Total Employment Security Department 526,330,000 314,223,000 417,273,000

Community and Technical College System

Institutions of Higher Education - Grant and Contracts Account 349,136,000 197,594,000 242,164,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Plant Accounts 774,000
Institutions of Higher Education - Dedicated Local Account 2,655,000 352,000 1,442,000
Total Community and Technical College System 352,565,000 197,946,000 243,606,000
Total Federal Revenue by Agency and Fund 47,466,850,000 3,927,985,000 43,202,056,000

Revenue by Fund Type

2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed
Liquor Fund 35,740,884,000 382,921,000 41,035,225,000
State Facilities Fund 7,940,000 41,622,000
Administrative Accounts in the General Fund 5,074,565,000 1,459,100,000 2,000,000
Central Administrative and Regulatory Fund 1,307,753,000 427,402,000 607,473,000
Motor Vehicle Fund 1,055,918,000 6,915,000 7,274,000
Multimodal Transportation Fund 229,618,000
Workers' Compensation Fund 502,447,000 23,152,000 39,875,000
Human Services Fund 515,629,000 451,506,000 440,829,000
Local Construction and Loan Fund 3,793,000 1,404,000
Higher Education Fund 2,942,894,000 1,016,920,000 660,976,000
Wildlife and Natural Resources Fund 85,409,000 117,043,000 408,404,000
Total Funds by Type 47,466,850,000 3,927,985,000 43,202,056,000