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Budgeted Treasury Funds - Table 14 Current Law

Administrative Accounts in the General Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Geothermal Account 99,000 4,000 103,000
Institutional Impact Account 19,000 19,000
Flood Control Assistance Account 2,347,000 4,026,000 5,252,000 1,121,000
State Investment Board Expense Account 5,850,000 82,796,000 83,613,000 5,033,000
State Emergency Water Projects Revolving Account 222,000 40,000 182,000
County Criminal Justice Assistance Account 2,501,000 5,907,000 4,893,000 3,515,000
Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account 353,000 2,588,000 2,260,000 681,000
Criminal Justice Treatment Account 1,389,000 24,361,000 22,001,000 3,749,000
Outdoor Recreation Account 54,000,000 46,758,000 7,242,000
State and Local Improvements Revolving Account (Water Supply Facilities) 856,000 48,000 481,000 423,000
Farm and Forest Account 12,000,000 7,030,000 4,970,000
Riparian Protection Account 100,000 100,000
Economic Development Strategic Reserve Account 6,412,000 23,069,000 16,810,000 12,671,000
Veterans Innovations Program Account 14,000 14,000
Columbia River Basin Water Supply Development Account 3,701,000 264,000 374,000 3,591,000
Site Closure Account 37,732,000 5,793,000 896,000 42,629,000
Budget Stabilization Account 652,375,000 694,888,000 92,205,000 1,255,058,000
Community Preservation and Development Authority Account 43,000 4,707,000 4,750,000
Columbia River Water Delivery Account 16,000 373,000 389,000
Water Rights Processing Account 32,000 7,000 39,000
Opportunity Express Account 62,000 62,000
WA Opportunity Pathways Account 70,764,000 755,801,000 338,867,000 487,698,000
Charter Schools Oversight Account 645,000 4,126,000 4,572,000 199,000
Invest in Washington Account 93,000 92,000 1,000
Early Learning Facilities Revolving Account 14,968,000 11,557,000 3,411,000
Early Learning Facilities Development Account 1,000 64,922,000 19,585,000 45,338,000
Statewide Tourism Marketing Account 5,041,000 12,520,000 9,000,000 8,561,000
Statewide Broadband Account 30,556,000 2,244,000 814,000 31,986,000
Habitat Conservation Account 54,000,000 23,758,000 30,242,000
Education Construction Account 23,000 2,000 25,000
Elem & Sec School Emerg Relief III Acct 903,198,000 903,198,000
Forest Resiliency Account 4,022,000 4,000,000 22,000
Manufacturing Cluster Acceleration Account 2,798,000 2,798,000
Wildfire Resp Forest Restor & Comm Resil 6,781,000 109,909,000 90,696,000 25,994,000
Agricult Pest & Disease Response Account 1,000,000 (2,000,000) 3,000,000
State Taxable Building Construction Account 34,847,000 45,214,000 80,060,000 1,000
School Construction and Skill Centers Building Account 38,000 1,508,000 758,000 788,000
Pension Funding Stabilization Account 2,740,000 1,024,000 3,764,000
Law Enforcement Officers' and Firefighters Retirement System Plan 2 Expense Acct 82,000 3,904,000 3,888,000 98,000
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund 1,379,403,000 1,379,403,000
Washington Rescue Plan Transition Acct 2,100,000,000 (2,100,000,000)
Tobacco Prevention and Control Account 803,000 56,000 276,000 583,000
Agricultural College Trust Management Account 1,225,000 3,207,000 4,432,000
Total Administrative Accounts in the General Fund 2,970,460,000 2,175,959,000 3,160,358,000 1,986,061,000

Motor Vehicle Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
State Patrol Highway Account 30,828,000 638,539,000 665,308,000 4,059,000
Small City Pavement and Sidewalk Account 3,584,000 3,839,000 3,975,000 3,448,000
Highway Infrastructure Account 2,558,000 58,000 2,616,000
Recreational Vehicle Account 4,234,000 1,579,000 1,869,000 3,944,000
Puget Sound Capital Construction Account 63,365,000 403,968,000 464,766,000 2,567,000
Freight Mobility Investment Account 9,215,000 15,002,000 19,473,000 4,744,000
Transportation Partnership Account 80,610,000 551,611,000 630,339,000 1,882,000
Rural Arterial Trust Account 28,762,000 44,681,000 64,102,000 9,341,000
Motor Vehicle Account 121,363,000 2,993,190,000 3,113,564,000 989,000
Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account 20,280,000 739,378,000 739,111,000 20,547,000
Transportation Improvement Account 107,057,000 201,596,000 240,124,000 68,529,000
County Arterial Preservation Account 3,845,000 34,857,000 37,339,000 1,363,000
Capital Vessel Replacement Account 17,660,000 27,095,000 21,688,000 23,067,000
DOL Services Account 2,960,000 7,369,000 8,810,000 1,519,000
Connecting Washington Account 322,630,000 2,159,058,000 2,480,847,000 841,000
Transportation Future Funding Program Account 6,030,000 46,000,000 52,000,000 30,000
Special Category C Account 17,515,000 156,282,000 167,839,000 5,958,000
Puget Sound Gateway Facility Account 4,000 4,000
Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account 41,581,000 29,114,000 48,383,000 22,312,000
Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account) 40,989,000 403,767,000 444,564,000 192,000
Multiuse Roadway Safety Account 1,310,000 587,000 1,230,000 667,000
Total Motor Vehicle Fund 926,380,000 8,457,570,000 9,205,331,000 178,619,000

Multimodal Transportation Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Pilotage Account 258,000 3,604,000 3,516,000 346,000
Essential Rail Assistance Account 515,000 1,270,000 470,000 1,315,000
Aeronautics Account 9,232,000 21,115,000 22,381,000 7,966,000
Marine Fuel Tax Refund Account 259,000 34,000 225,000
Motorcycle Safety Education Account 3,613,000 4,846,000 5,292,000 3,167,000
Transportation Infrastructure Account 9,965,000 6,791,000 4,519,000 12,237,000
Highway Safety Account 62,728,000 284,650,000 346,914,000 464,000
Regional Mobility Grant Program Account 59,582,000 72,369,000 61,730,000 70,221,000
Freight Mobility Multimodal Account 13,701,000 14,993,000 18,904,000 9,790,000
Rural Mobility Grant Program Account 3,880,000 32,302,000 33,077,000 3,105,000
State Route Number 520 Corridor Account 129,676,000 372,139,000 368,081,000 133,734,000
Complete Streets Grant Program Account 3,197,000 14,670,000 14,670,000 3,197,000
State Route Number 520 Civil Penalties Account 10,234,000 5,147,000 12,378,000 3,003,000
Limousine Carriers Account 84,000 90,000 134,000 40,000
DOL Tech Improve and Data Mgmnt Account 937,000 1,197,000 943,000 1,191,000
Electric Vehicle Account 14,477,000 (4,313,000) 5,409,000 4,755,000
Multimodal Transportation Account 332,482,000 243,591,000 447,389,000 128,684,000
Abandoned Recreational Vehicle Disposal Account 2,427,000 3,011,000 4,591,000 847,000
Vulnerable Roadway User Education Acct 21,000 14,000 35,000
Congestion Relief Traffic Safety Account 135,000 260,000 395,000
Agency Financial Transaction Account 1,014,000 18,183,000 16,430,000 2,767,000
Cooper Jones Active Transpor Safety Acct 1,429,000 480,000 836,000 1,073,000
Driver Licensing Technology Support Acct 447,000 4,010,000 1,740,000 2,717,000
Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account 109,861,000 17,997,000 52,464,000 75,394,000
Total Multimodal Transportation Fund 770,154,000 1,118,416,000 1,421,902,000 466,668,000

Central Administrative and Regulatory Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Architects' License Account 1,094,000 1,467,000 1,522,000 1,039,000
Professional Engineers' Account 1,540,000 4,068,000 4,684,000 924,000
Real Estate Commission Account 6,568,000 14,467,000 16,961,000 4,074,000
Certified Public Accountants' Account 3,599,000 5,114,000 5,188,000 3,525,000
Timber Tax Distribution Account 199,000 7,937,000 8,136,000
Business License Account 9,677,000 21,810,000 19,886,000 11,601,000
Fire Service Trust Account 703,000 136,000 131,000 708,000
Charitable, Educational, Penal, and Reformatory Institutions Account 10,132,000 11,920,000 4,591,000 17,461,000
Waste Reduction/Recycling/Litter Control 12,138,000 35,045,000 34,182,000 13,001,000
State Vehicle Parking Account 273,000 8,295,000 7,472,000 1,096,000
Uniform Commercial Code Account 2,345,000 2,093,000 3,908,000 530,000
Vehicle License Fraud Account 488,000 101,000 119,000 470,000
Disaster Response Account 30,009,000 1,352,970,000 1,380,413,000 2,566,000
Real Estate Appraiser Commission Account 259,000 2,381,000 2,640,000
Business and Professions Account 9,789,000 22,322,000 29,696,000 2,415,000
Real Estate Research Account 879,000 492,000 461,000 910,000
License Plate Technology Account 678,000 4,094,000 4,398,000 374,000
Grade Crossing Protective Account 256,000 515,000 504,000 267,000
Military Department Rent and Lease Account 4,806,000 1,270,000 1,009,000 5,067,000
City-County Assistance Account 1,792,000 3,176,000 4,968,000
Liquor Excise Tax Account 18,521,000 208,000 1,383,000 17,346,000
Public Service Revolving Account 26,585,000 67,964,000 71,787,000 22,762,000
Charitable Organization Education Account 1,042,000 970,000 1,233,000 779,000
Insurance Commissioners Regulatory Account 9,081,000 78,918,000 82,830,000 5,169,000
Firearms Range Account 1,668,000 646,000 1,001,000 1,313,000
Financial Fraud and Identity Theft Crimes Investigation and Prosecution Account 2,491,000 2,812,000 2,678,000 2,625,000
Military Department Active State Service Account 363,000 400,000 400,000 363,000
Ignition Interlock Device Revolving Account 3,445,000 7,733,000 9,117,000 2,061,000
New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Account 1,300,000 1,595,000 1,897,000 998,000
Wood Stove Education and Enforcement Account 627,000 435,000 605,000 457,000
Judicial Stabilization Trust Account 96,771,000 10,684,000 145,333,000 (37,878,000)
Appraisal Management Company Account 958,000 336,000 329,000 965,000
Volunteer Firefighters' and Reserve Officers' Administrative Account 10,106,000 23,996,000 23,083,000 11,019,000
Concealed Pistol License Renewal Notification Account 500,000 244,000 146,000 598,000
Public Disclosure Transparency Account 7,915,000 668,000 2,200,000 6,383,000
Public Works Administration Account 9,242,000 13,404,000 17,999,000 4,647,000
Youth Tobacco and Vapor Products Prevention Account 605,000 3,103,000 3,272,000 436,000
Insurance Commissioner's Fraud Account 359,000 4,280,000 4,284,000 355,000
Clean Fuels Program Account 1,302,000 3,701,000 5,003,000
Refrigerant Emission Management Account 4,837,000 3,121,000 1,716,000
Manufactured Home Installation Training Account 731,000 461,000 454,000 738,000
Community and Economic Development Fee Account 6,591,000 1,596,000 5,214,000 2,973,000
State Agency Parking Account 323,000 323,000
State Treasurer's Service Account 76,453,000 55,626,000 24,591,000 107,488,000
Local Government Archives Account 2,507,000 12,729,000 13,212,000 2,024,000
Election Account 5,193,000 4,487,000 706,000
Department of Retirement Systems Expense Account 27,161,000 126,790,000 131,248,000 22,703,000
Youth Athletic Facility Account 43,714,000 3,192,000 5,768,000 41,138,000
Deferred Compensation Administrative Account 3,427,000 8,898,000 5,340,000 6,985,000
Total Central Administrative and Regulatory Fund 451,012,000 1,941,092,000 2,093,916,000 298,188,000

Human Services Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Health Professions Account 25,119,000 186,885,000 211,919,000 85,000
Business Enterprises Revolving Account 687,000 2,228,000 2,220,000 695,000
Death Investigations Account 463,000 11,674,000 12,137,000
Asbestos Account 1,246,000 786,000 628,000 1,404,000
Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Care Systems Trust Account 2,095,000 23,204,000 25,261,000 38,000
911 Account 13,881,000 59,067,000 54,306,000 18,642,000
Safe Drinking Water Account 7,281,000 9,000,000 10,801,000 5,480,000
Drinking Water Assistance Account 199,305,000 54,871,000 78,027,000 176,149,000
Waterworks Operator Certification 1,077,000 2,314,000 2,089,000 1,302,000
Lead Paint Account 199,000 128,000 264,000 63,000
Domestic Violence Prevention Account 2,077,000 2,108,000 2,404,000 1,781,000
Building Code Council Account 1,212,000 2,204,000 2,602,000 814,000
Fire Service Training Account 1,813,000 13,426,000 13,457,000 1,782,000
Problem Gambling Account 720,000 5,097,000 3,738,000 2,079,000
Electrical License Account 15,645,000 67,818,000 74,037,000 9,426,000
Unemployment Compensation Administration Account 1,044,000 317,019,000 317,019,000 1,044,000
Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority Account 1,506,000 14,722,000 15,500,000 728,000
Administrative Contingency Account 40,686,000 35,008,000 42,652,000 33,042,000
Traumatic Brain Injury Account 617,000 5,977,000 4,486,000 2,108,000
Employment Service Administrative Account 58,631,000 88,936,000 98,764,000 48,803,000
Low-Income Weatherization and Structural Rehab. Assistance Account 1,517,000 112,000 1,412,000 217,000
Farm Labor Contractor Account 129,000 54,000 28,000 155,000
Basic Health Plan Trust Account 12,623,000 500,000,000 470,370,000 42,253,000
Home Visiting Services Account 2,497,000 73,408,000 73,512,000 2,393,000
Health Benefit Exchange Account 26,389,000 88,848,000 81,409,000 33,828,000
Medicaid Fraud Penalty Account 20,629,000 20,076,000 9,611,000 31,094,000
Medical Test Site Licensure Account 2,527,000 3,012,000 5,365,000 174,000
Puget Sound Tax Accountability Account 1,223,000 (1,223,000)
Nursing Facility Quality Enhancement Account 5,273,000 3,268,000 8,541,000
Distracted Driving Prevention Account 38,000 66,000 104,000
Construction Registration Inspection Account 4,662,000 31,046,000 31,427,000 4,281,000
Secure Drug Take-back Program Account 14,000 1,750,000 1,474,000 290,000
Telebehavioral Health Access Account (220,000) 8,538,000 8,318,000
State Health Care Affordability Account 43,401,000 100,000,000 125,000,000 18,401,000
Stwd 988 Behav Hlth & Suicide Prev Line 41,264,000 94,483,000 113,964,000 21,783,000
Dedicated Cannabis Account 43,659,000 522,244,000 161,163,000 404,740,000
Public Health Supplemental Account 650,000 4,327,000 4,117,000 860,000
Skilled Nursing Facility Net Trust Fund 993,000 132,802,000 133,360,000 435,000
Prostitution Prevention and Intervention Account 89,000 32,000 26,000 95,000
Tobacco Settlement Account 45,565,000 (45,565,000)
Developmental Disabilities Community Services Account 37,852,000 5,076,000 32,120,000 10,808,000
OASI Revolving Account 277,000 366,000 372,000 271,000
Total Human Services Fund 666,355,000 2,445,192,000 2,225,359,000 886,188,000

Wildlife and Natural Resources Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
ORV & Nonhighway Vehicle Account 897,000 7,008,000 7,087,000 818,000
Reclamation Account 6,856,000 4,202,000 4,785,000 6,273,000
Surveys and Maps Account 322,000 1,854,000 2,037,000 139,000
Parkland Acquisition Account 2,193,000 1,876,000 317,000
Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account 14,315,000 40,325,000 40,908,000 13,732,000
Landowners Contingency Forest Fire Suppression Account 1,001,000 7,604,000 4,776,000 3,829,000
Resource Management Cost Account 40,710,000 113,647,000 97,865,000 56,492,000
Surface Mining Reclamation Account 2,256,000 3,486,000 4,717,000 1,025,000
Recreational Fisheries Enhancement 1,198,000 3,574,000 3,820,000 952,000
Salmon Recovery Account 109,134,000 3,000,000 31,357,000 80,777,000
Warm Water Game Fish Account 1,363,000 3,064,000 3,088,000 1,339,000
Park Land Trust Revolving Account 3,417,000 5,623,000 5,443,000 3,597,000
Waste Tire Removal Account 3,418,000 329,000 776,000 2,971,000
Limited Fish and Wildlife Account 10,180,000 38,570,000 42,413,000 6,337,000
Aquatic Algae Control Account 681,000 460,000 537,000 604,000
Water Rights Tracking System Account 320,000 188,000 48,000 460,000
Special Wildlife Account 2,103,000 12,719,000 7,606,000 7,216,000
Basic Data Account 211,000 80,000 122,000 169,000
Forest and Fish Support Account 3,727,000 10,095,000 12,087,000 1,735,000
Wildlife Rehabilitation Account 348,000 374,000 661,000 61,000
Ballast Water and Biofouling Management Account 33,000 10,000 23,000
Aquatic Land Dredged Material Disposal Site Account 561,000 250,000 405,000 406,000
Parks Improvement Account 553,000 578,000 1,131,000
Cleanup Settlement Account 52,649,000 3,700,000 6,892,000 49,457,000
Biotoxin Account 677,000 2,108,000 2,404,000 381,000
Natural Resources Conservation Areas Stewardship Account 348,000 118,000 212,000 254,000
Water Quality Permit Account 25,920,000 60,908,000 67,289,000 19,539,000
Underground Storage Tank Account 3,975,000 3,660,000 5,032,000 2,603,000
Biosolids Permit Account 1,483,000 2,500,000 2,873,000 1,110,000
Forest Practices Application Account 279,000 821,000 1,100,000
Hazardous Waste Assistance Account 8,639,000 6,252,000 9,476,000 5,415,000
Radioactive Mixed Waste Account 2,351,000 24,841,000 24,868,000 2,324,000
PLIA Underground Storage Tank Revolving Account 31,348,000 15,488,000 23,344,000 23,492,000
Air Pollution Control Account 11,293,000 4,684,000 11,278,000 4,699,000
Oil Spill Prevention Account 9,690,000 9,253,000 11,456,000 7,487,000
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Certification Account 406,000 514,000 704,000 216,000
Aquatic Invasive Species Management Account 225,000 988,000 1,157,000 56,000
Freshwater Aquatic Weeds Account 1,440,000 1,173,000 1,334,000 1,279,000
Oil Spill Response Account 4,783,000 7,056,000 2,696,000 9,143,000
Energy Efficiency Account 6,157,000 46,000 6,129,000 74,000
Recreation Access Pass Account 1,188,000 1,188,000
Model Toxics Control Capital Account 240,731,000 192,221,000 111,585,000 321,367,000
Model Toxics Control Operating Account 71,510,000 320,640,000 392,074,000 76,000
Model Toxics Control Stormwater Account 73,985,000 93,075,000 69,945,000 97,115,000
Voluntary Cleanup Account 279,000 596,000 344,000 531,000
Paint Product Stewardship Account 85,000 118,000 69,000 134,000
Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Account 11,413,000 80,804,000 82,115,000 10,102,000
Recreation Resources Account 24,702,000 19,391,000 21,304,000 22,789,000
NOVA Program Account 13,385,000 13,435,000 9,783,000 17,037,000
Parks Renewal and Stewardship Account 20,160,000 140,002,000 145,878,000 14,284,000
Carbon Emissions Reduction Account 58,123,000 300,845,000 186,011,000 172,957,000
Climate Investment Account 708,047,000 94,535,000 90,938,000 711,644,000
Climate Commitment Account 2,654,142,000 664,196,000 1,989,946,000
Natural Climate Solutions Account 898,010,000 221,806,000 676,204,000
Air Qual Health Disparities Impvmt Acct 20,000,000 5,000,000 793,000 24,207,000
Columbia River Basin Water Supply Revenue Recovery Acct 7,598,000 3,204,000 1,176,000 9,626,000
Coastal Protection Account 2,604,000 1,215,000 1,064,000 2,755,000
Oyster Reserve Land Account 522,000 574,000 524,000 572,000
Derelict Vessel Removal Account 7,988,000 21,615,000 10,690,000 18,913,000
Water Pollution Control Revol Admin 8,816,000 4,374,000 8,641,000 4,549,000
Community Forest Trust Account 288,000 114,000 52,000 350,000
Water Pollution Control Revolv Acct 421,409,000 259,008,000 376,639,000 303,778,000
Total Wildlife and Natural Resources Fund 2,059,105,000 5,505,246,000 2,847,426,000 4,716,925,000

Higher Education Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Education Legacy Trust Account 854,142,000 2,234,751,000 2,594,426,000 494,467,000
Workforce Education Investment Account 177,452,000 888,285,000 990,007,000 75,730,000
WSU Operating Fees Account (7,000) 14,000 7,000
State Educational Trust Fund Account 4,253,000 2,988,000 1,292,000 5,949,000
Total Higher Education Fund 1,035,840,000 3,126,038,000 3,585,725,000 576,153,000

Local Construction and Loan Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Public Works Assistance Account 185,743,000 222,844,000 90,020,000 318,567,000
Common School Construction Account 370,607,000 172,702,000 100,418,000 442,891,000
Growth Management Planning and Environmental Review Account 3,044,000 3,572,000 5,827,000 789,000
Stadium World Cup Capital Account 10,000,000 (10,000,000) 20,000,000
Rural Washington Loan Account 1,218,000 90,000 4,000 1,304,000
Public Facility Construction Loan Revolving Account 39,267,000 17,520,000 1,472,000 55,315,000
Total Local Construction and Loan Fund 599,879,000 426,728,000 187,741,000 838,866,000

General Obligation Bond Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Washington State University Bond Retirement Account 27,337,000 53,262,000 80,599,000
University of Washington Bond Retirement Account 6,842,000 23,088,000 29,930,000
Debt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Retire Account 119,000 119,000
Nondebt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Retirement Account 80,039,000 80,039,000
Total General Obligation Bond Fund 34,179,000 156,508,000 80,158,000 110,529,000

Transportation Bond Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Highway Bond Retirement Account 296,243,000 1,468,774,000 1,476,980,000 288,037,000
Ferry Bond Retirement Account 12,653,000 4,616,000 4,616,000 12,653,000
Trans Improvement Board Bond Retirement Account 8,172,000 10,305,000 10,305,000 8,172,000
Total Transportation Bond Fund 317,068,000 1,483,695,000 1,491,901,000 308,862,000

Transportation Revenue Bond Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Toll Facility Bond Retirement Account 5,150,000 295,424,000 295,424,000 5,150,000
Total Transportation Revenue Bond Fund 5,150,000 295,424,000 295,424,000 5,150,000

State Facilities Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Capitol Building Construction Account 10,211,000 11,013,000 3,967,000 17,257,000
State Social and Health Services Construction Account 9,000 9,000
Columbia River Basin Tax Bond Water Supply Dev Acct 1,288,000 96,000 1,384,000
Thurston County Capital Facilities Account 6,075,000 9,720,000 3,544,000 12,251,000
Military Department Capital Account 4,014,000 (350,000) 127,000 3,537,000
Coronavirus Capital Projects Account 32,912,000 32,912,000
Total State Facilities Fund 21,597,000 53,391,000 40,550,000 34,438,000

Higher Education Facilities Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Community/Technical College Capital Projects Account 170,000 83,624,000 58,631,000 25,163,000
Eastern Washington University Capital Projects Account 7,587,000 8,954,000 4,798,000 11,743,000
Washington State University Building Account (5,702,000) 177,611,000 58,149,000 113,760,000
Central Washington University Capital Projects Account 4,821,000 8,352,000 8,891,000 4,282,000
University of Washington Building Account 16,925,000 73,364,000 57,193,000 33,096,000
Western Washington University Capital Projects Account 8,279,000 13,832,000 14,509,000 7,602,000
The Evergreen State College Capital Projects Account 4,006,000 6,446,000 6,733,000 3,719,000
Comm/Tech College Forest Reserve Account 5,160,000 250,000 1,000,000 4,410,000
Gardner-Evans Higher Education Construction Account 46,000 46,000
Total Higher Education Facilities Fund 41,292,000 372,433,000 209,904,000 203,821,000

Liquor Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
General Fund 4,184,674,000 105,311,845,000 108,641,460,000 855,059,000
Washington State Leadership Board Acct 1,000 1,858,000 1,857,000 2,000
Washington Student Loan Account 153,762,000 (42,772,000) 100,000,000 10,990,000
Apple Health and Homes Account 95,164,000 35,512,000 59,652,000
Capital Community Assistance Account 406,857,000 189,637,000 217,220,000
Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Capital (1,869,000) 1,869,000
Electric Vehicle Incentive Account 119,426,000 51,722,000 67,704,000
Community Reinvestment Account 200,000,000 200,000,000
Emergency Drought Response Account 3,000,000 3,000,000
Total Liquor Fund 5,159,884,000 105,273,931,000 109,221,319,000 1,212,496,000

Workers' Compensation Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Hospital Data Collection Account 139,000 794,000 592,000 341,000
Winter Recreation Program Account 3,197,000 3,402,000 4,928,000 1,671,000
Forest Development Account 18,750,000 38,593,000 52,915,000 4,428,000
Snowmobile Account 2,851,000 3,612,000 5,715,000 748,000
Drinking Water Assistance Administrative Account 3,791,000 1,672,000 2,479,000 2,984,000
State Drought Preparedness Account 11,308,000 2,028,000 2,972,000 10,364,000
Home Security Fund Account 81,951,000 214,634,000 291,859,000 4,726,000
Affordable Housing for All Account 28,979,000 88,781,000 109,419,000 8,341,000
Hospital Safety Net Assessment Account 49,164,000 1,521,933,000 1,505,043,000 66,054,000
Andy Hill Cancer Research Endowment Fund Match Transfer Account 12,445,000 42,480,000 31,684,000 23,241,000
Regional Fisheries Enhancement Salmonid Recovery Account 4,000 5,001,000 5,001,000 4,000
Foundational Public Health Services Acct 34,698,000 46,892,000 51,116,000 30,474,000
Ambulance Transport Fund 1,061,000 20,330,000 13,256,000 8,135,000
UW Operating Fees Account
Climate Active Transportation Account 12,203,000 179,032,000 129,298,000 61,937,000
Climate Transit Programs Account 4,665,000 408,120,000 378,895,000 33,890,000
Move Ahead WA Account 1,131,004,000 733,679,000 1,633,226,000 231,457,000
Move Ahead WA Flexible Account 23,507,000 84,424,000 57,991,000 49,940,000
Derelict Structure Removal Account 1,925,000 325,000 1,600,000
Opioid Abatement Settlement Account 378,492,000 136,841,000 241,651,000
State Hazard Mitigation Revl Loan Acct
Covenant Homeownership Account 150,000,000 150,000,000
Land Bank Account 34,200,000 20,000,000 14,200,000
Tribal Opioid Prevention and Treatment Account
Perpetual Surveillance and Maintenance Account 50,030,000 3,732,000 53,762,000
Washington Housing Trust Fund 38,591,000 9,562,000 8,122,000 40,031,000
Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express Toll Lanes Account 366,502,000 94,910,000 345,549,000 115,863,000
Accident Account 97,323,000 534,142,000 495,470,000 135,995,000
Medical Aid Account 86,250,000 773,786,000 461,546,000 398,490,000
Total Workers' Compensation Fund 2,058,413,000 5,376,156,000 5,894,242,000 1,540,327,000

Lottery Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
State Building Construction Account (13,889,000) 2,566,546,000 2,466,237,000 86,420,000
Lottery Administrative Account (31,000) 65,981,000 32,998,000 32,952,000
Total Lottery Fund (13,920,000) 2,632,527,000 2,499,235,000 119,372,000

Institutional Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Nat Res Real Property Replacement 18,867,000 52,160,000 49,571,000 21,456,000
Correctional Industries Account 14,877,000 2,000,000 12,877,000
Total Institutional Fund 33,744,000 52,160,000 51,571,000 34,333,000

Unemployment Compensation

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Public Records Efficiency, Preservation & Access Acct 1,289,000 10,792,000 11,702,000 379,000
Gov Central Service Account 19,166,000 19,038,000 128,000
Total Unemployment Compensation 1,289,000 29,958,000 30,740,000 507,000

Other Activities Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Secretary of State's Revolving Account 10,051,000 31,904,000 21,834,000 20,121,000
Total Other Activities Fund 10,051,000 31,904,000 21,834,000 20,121,000

Health Insurance Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
St Health Care Authority Admin Acct 588,000 45,037,000 45,625,000
School Employees' Insurance Admin Acct (99,000) 34,338,000 34,239,000
Total Health Insurance Fund 489,000 79,375,000 79,864,000

General Services Fund

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
Legal Services Revolving Account 29,227,000 383,105,000 409,854,000 2,478,000
Transportation Equipment Account 40,214,000 117,000,000 152,200,000 5,014,000
Personnel Service Account 15,977,000 24,288,000 34,508,000 5,757,000
Higher Education Personnel Services Account 896,000 3,098,000 3,129,000 865,000
OFM Central Service Account 4,295,000 31,472,000 33,189,000 2,578,000
Auditing Services Revolving Account 910,000 18,826,000 18,614,000 1,122,000
Administrative Hearings Revolving Account 16,172,000 66,091,000 76,486,000 5,777,000
Total General Services Fund 107,691,000 643,880,000 727,980,000 23,591,000

Pre-Gaap Not Applicable

  7/01/2023 Unreserved Balance 2023-25 Estimated Revenue 2023-25 Estimated Expenditures 2023-25 Working Capital Reserve 6/30/2025 Unreserved Balance
New Account #1 279,169,000 279,169,000
Total Pre-Gaap Not Applicable 279,169,000 279,169,000
Total Treasury Funds Balance Sheet 17,256,112,000 141,956,752,000 145,372,480,000 13,840,384,000