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Budgeted Local Funds - Table 9 Current Law

General Government

2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed

Governmental Operations

State Operations

Office of Lieutenant Governor 90,000 90,000
Office of Attorney General 263,414 14,000
Department of Commerce 1,944,898 9,695,000 9,846,000
Office of Financial Management 689,332 3,943,000 539,000
Office of Administrative Hearings 27 12,000 12,000
Department of Enterprise Services 102,000 102,000
Liquor and Cannabis Board 75,000 75,000
Utilities and Transportation Commission 4,878,457
Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 14,000 14,000
Total for State Operations 7,776,128 13,931,000 10,692,000

Capital Improvements

Department of Commerce 25,000,000 25,000,000
Department of Enterprise Services 144,584
Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation 429,000
Total for Capital Improvements 144,584 25,429,000 25,000,000
Total for Governmental Operations 7,920,711 39,360,000 35,692,000


State Operations

Administrative Office of the Courts 232,764 681,000 681,000
Office of Public Defense 60,000
Total for State Operations 292,764 681,000 681,000

Capital Improvements

Total for Capital Improvements
Total for Judicial 292,764 681,000 681,000
Total for General Government 8,213,475 40,041,000 36,373,000


2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed


State Operations

Washington State Patrol 2,354,874 7,685,000 7,791,000
Traffic Safety Commission 24,703 60,000 60,000
Department of Licensing 1,336,000 1,336,000 1,336,000
Department of Transportation 840,361 267,908,000 363,679,000
Total for State Operations 4,555,937 276,989,000 372,866,000

Capital Improvements

Department of Transportation 66,237,052
Total for Capital Improvements 66,237,052
Total for Transportation 70,792,990 276,989,000 372,866,000
Total for Transportation 70,792,990 276,989,000 372,866,000

Natural Resources

2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed

Natural Resources and Recreation

State Operations

Columbia River Gorge Commission 1,353,394 2,594,000 1,723,000
Department of Ecology 17,379,729 30,544,000 40,190,000
Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council 5,785,501 26,889,000 28,264,000
State Parks and Recreation Commission 375,327 720,000 720,000
Recreation and Conservation Funding Board 24,000 24,000
Department of Fish and Wildlife 63,766,588 73,862,000 76,766,000
Department of Natural Resources 7,005,027 6,054,000 3,488,000
Department of Agriculture 57,238 193,000 193,000
Total for State Operations 95,722,804 140,880,000 151,368,000

Capital Improvements

Department of Ecology 16,160,665 83,575,000 73,602,000
State Parks and Recreation Commission 1,362,335 2,000,000 2,000,000
Department of Fish and Wildlife 1,142,493 6,592,000 8,342,000
Total for Capital Improvements 18,665,493 92,167,000 83,944,000
Total for Natural Resources and Recreation 114,388,298 233,047,000 235,312,000
Total for Natural Resources 114,388,298 233,047,000 235,312,000

All Other Expenditures

2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed

Other Budgeted Expenditures

State Operations

Special Appropriations to the Governor 43,000,000
Total for State Operations 43,000,000
Total for Other Budgeted Expenditures 43,000,000
Total for All Other Expenditures 43,000,000

Human Services

2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed

Other Human Services

State Operations

Washington State Health Care Authority 372,599,791 1,291,177,000 1,860,115,000
Criminal Justice Training Commission 7,358,160 8,328,000 11,236,000
Department of Health 199,592,484 193,419,000 196,383,000
Department of Veterans Affairs 19,670,819 19,242,000 19,709,000
Department of Children, Youth, and Families 4,508,442 5,264,000 5,683,000
Department of Corrections 3,148,000 10,560,000
Department of Services for the Blind 59,228 67,000 68,000
Employment Security Department 13,813,535 38,529,000 38,902,000
Total for State Operations 617,602,459 1,559,174,000 2,142,656,000
Total for Other Human Services 617,602,459 1,559,174,000 2,142,656,000

Social and Health Services

State Operations

Department of Social and Health Services 84,729,505 89,039,000 98,331,000
Total for State Operations 84,729,505 89,039,000 98,331,000
Total for Social and Health Services 84,729,505 89,039,000 98,331,000
Total for Human Services 702,331,964 1,648,213,000 2,240,987,000


2021-23 Actual 2023-25 Estimated 2025-27 Proposed

Higher Education

State Operations

Student Achievement Council 603,676 300,000 300,000
Total for State Operations 603,676 300,000 300,000
Total for Higher Education 603,676 300,000 300,000

Public Schools

State Operations

Superintendent of Public Instruction 1,832,306 9,529,000 9,537,000
Total for State Operations 1,832,306 9,529,000 9,537,000
Total for Public Schools 1,832,306 9,529,000 9,537,000

All Other Education

State Operations

State School For The Blind 34,000 34,000
Washington State Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss 4,052,000 4,125,000
Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board 27,954 212,000 212,000
Washington State Arts Commission 107,597 184,000 184,000
Washington State Historical Society 70,000
Eastern Washington State Historical Society 229,000
Total for State Operations 135,551 4,552,000 4,784,000
Total for All Other Education 135,551 4,552,000 4,784,000
Total for Education 2,571,533 14,381,000 14,621,000