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Interactive map — Gov. Inslee's K-12 education funding proposal

See a spreadsheet of the data used in this map.

To use the map, choose the measure you want to look at from the drop-down box at the top, then mouse over the school districts to see the individual data. For any measure, you can see the top ten school districts on the right. You can also zoom in to pinpoint some of the smaller districts.


This analysis assumes:

  • Student FTE includes students enrolled in grades K through twelve, running start, career and technical education, alternative learning experience, and dropout reengagement programs as reported by OSPI on October 2016 apportionment reports.
  • “Total Funding State and Local” and “Net New Funding State and Local” include revenue for the following programs: general apportionment, transportation, learning assistance, transitional bilingual instruction, highly capable, special education, local effort assistance (also known as LEA or levy equalization), and local school levies.
  • Local school levy is converted to school year using collection assumptions for the state property tax levy (approximately 47% in April and 53% in October).
  • Local effort assistance is converted to school year based on the percentages in RCW 28A.500.040.
  • Adjusted assessed values for calendar year 2015 are used for estimating tax rates and tax savings. 
  • Change in state apportionment includes compensation policies and policies that impact the prototypical school model. It does not include maintenance level increases for K-3 class size reductions, I-732 COLA, inflationary increase to materials, supplies and operating costs, or enrollment growth.
  • Voter approved levies reflect approved local levies as of August 2016.
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