Table of contents

Complete SAAM Manual

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State Administrative & Accounting Manual

1 - Introduction

1.10 - About the Manual

1.20 - How to Use This Manual

5 - Data and Systems Access

5.10 - About Data and Systems Access Policies

10 - Travel

10.10 - Travel Management Requirements and Restrictions

10.20 - Travel Reimbursement Principles

10.30 - Lodging

10.40 - Meals

10.50 - Travel Arrangements and Reimbursements

10.60 - Miscellaneous Travel Expenses

10.70 - Boards

10.80 - Travel Expense Claims

10.90 - Travel Rates

20 - Internal Control

20.10 - Internal Control Policies

20.15 - Internal Control Basics

20.20 - Control Environment

20.22 - Risk Assessment

20.24 - Control Activities

20.26 - Information and Communication

20.28 - Monitoring

22 - Internal Audit

22.10 - Internal Audit Policies

22.20 - Internal Audit Program Required and Elected

22.30 - Internal Audit Basics

25 - Payroll

25.10 - About the Payroll Policies

25.20 - Payroll Accounting Requirements

25.30 - Wage Computations

25.40 - Leave

25.45 - Teleworking

25.50 - Payroll Deductions and Reductions

25.60 - Garnishments and Wage Assignments

25.70 - Payment Methods

25.80 - Salary Overpayment Recoveries

30 - Capital Asset Policies

30.10 - About the Capital Asset Policies

30.20 - Valuing, Capitalizing, Depreciating and Reconciling Capital Assets

30.30 - Marking and Identifying Capital Assets

30.40 - Capital Asset Inventory Records Policy

30.45 - Capital Asset Physical Inventory Policy

30.50 - Capital Asset Class and Location Code Tables

35 - Inventories

35.10 - Inventories

40 - E-Commerce: Electronic Acceptance and Disbursement of State Funds/Benefits

40.10 - General Provisions

40.20 - Acceptance of Electronic Funds by State Agencies

40.30 - Disbursement of Electronic Funds/Benefits by State Agencies

40.40 - Economic Feasibility Study (EFS)

40.50 - Privacy Issues

50 - Federal Compliance

50.10 - Annual U.S. Information Returns

50.20 - Cost Allocation and Indirect Cost Recoveries

50.30 - Compliance with Federal Single Audit Act

50.40 - Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA)

55 - Audit Tracking

55.10 - Audit Tracking

60 - Moving Expenses

60.10 - Moving Expenses Policies

60.20 - Allowable Moving Expenses

60.30 - Paying Moving Costs

65 - Financial Services Agreements

65.10 - Financial Services Agreements

70 - Other Administrative Regulations

70.10 - Coffee and Light Refreshments

70.15 - Meals with Meetings

70.20 - Prospective Employee Interview Expenses

70.40 - Higher Education Enrollment Reporting

70.60 - Unified Business Identifier (UBI)

70.70 - Child Care Services for Children of State Employees

70.75 - Suspected Losses of Public Funds or Property

75 - Uniform Chart of Accounts

75.10 - Coding Structures

75.20 - Agency Codes and Authorized Abbreviations

75.30 - Fund / Account Codes

75.40 - General Ledger Account Codes

75.50 - Expenditure Authority Codes

75.60 - Statewide Program Codes

75.65 - Statewide Project Type Codes

75.70 - Object / Subobject / Sub-subobject Codes

75.80 - Revenue Source Codes

80 - Accounting Policies

80.10 - About Accounting Policies

80.20 - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

80.30 - State Accounting and Reporting Policies

85 - Accounting Procedures

85.10 - Budgetary Accounting Procedures

85.15 - Budgetary Accounting - Illustrative Entries

85.20 - Revenue and Cash Receipts

85.22 - Deposit Adjustments And Returned Checks

85.24 - Revenue and Cash Receipts - Illustrative Entries

85.30 - Encumbrances

85.32 - Goods and Services Expenditures

85.34 - Payroll and Other Related Activities

85.36 - Disbursement Processing

85.38 - Other Warrant Procedures

85.40 - Belated and Sundry Claims

85.42 - Expenditures - Illustrative Entries

85.50 - Cash

85.52 - Investments

85.54 - Receivables

85.56 - Inventories

85.58 - Prepaid Expenses

85.60 - Capital Assets

85.65 - Assets - Illustrative Entries

85.70 - Short-Term Liabilities

85.72 - Long-Term Obligations

85.74 - Special Liabilities

85.80 - Fund Equity

85.85 - Liabilities and Equity - Illustrative Entries

85.90 - Interfund/Interagency Activities

85.95 - Interfund/Interagency Activities - Illustrative Entries

90 - State Reporting

90.10 - General State Reporting Policies

90.20 - Fiscal Year End Cut Off Procedures

90.30 - Fiscal Year End Cut Off - Illustrative Entries

90.40 - State Disclosure Forms

95 - Federal Assistance Reporting

95.10 - Federal Assistance Reporting Policies and Procedures

95.20 - Federal Assistance Disclosure Forms


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