Estimates of April 1 population by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin
The standards for data collection and reporting on race and ethnicity have changed
The Federal Office of Management and Budget has issued new standards for the reporting of federal race and ethnicity data through Statistical Policy Directive 15 (SPD15). See Race and Ethnicity Information page for more information.
Preliminary race and Ethnicity data
The Census Bureau has not released the 2020 Modified Race Data that allocates respondents who self-identified as a ‘other race’ category to standard 1997 OMB race categories. OFM race estimates are currently using the allocation rates from the 2010 Modified Race Data to allocate the “other race” category from the 2020 census. OFM plans to integrate the 2020 modified data into our product line after that data becomes available on our regular production schedule.
Age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin
OFM Small Area Demographic Estimates from 2020-2024 vintage and intercensal estimates for 2000-2019 are now available.
- Small Area Demographic Estimates
- Estimates from 2000-2019 are intercensal, 2020-2024 are postcensal.
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ) [PDF]
- User notes and errata [PDF]
- Normalized CSV file (includes all of the below geographies): 2020-2024 [Zip]
- State data tables:
- To request prior vintage estimates, please email request to
- County data tables:
- To request prior vintage estimates, please email request to
- County (special age groups) data tables:
- To request prior vintage estimates, please email request to
- Census tract data tables:
- To request prior vintage estimates, please email request to
- Congressional district data tables:
- To request prior vintage estimates, please email request to
- Legislative district data tables:
- To request prior vintage estimates, please email request to
- School district data tables:
To request prior vintage estimates, please email request to
Age and sex
- Postcensal estimates, 2020-2024:
- Intercensal estimates, 2010-2019: County [Excel]
- Intercensal estimates, 2000-2009: County [Excel]
- Intercensal estimates, 1990-1999: County [Excel]
Race and Hispanic origin
- Postcensal race and Hispanic origin estimates: 2020-2024 [Excel]
- Intercensal race and Hispanic origin estimates: 2010-2019 [Excel]
- Intercensal race and Hispanic origin estimates: 2000-2009 [Excel]
- Census 2010 and OFM SADE 2020 (forthcoming)
- Census 2000 and Census 2010:
2020 Detailed Race and Hispanic origin
See 2020 Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A release.