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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 177R
Category: Financial Services


In a journey-level capacity, performs financial recovery enforcement duties for the Department of Social and Health Services, that includes investigation, research, enforcement, negotiation and settlement, collection, recoupment and other related financial recovery activities such as liens, filing legal claims against estates, attachment of assets, authority to file, execute orders to withhold and deliver, and seizure and distrain.

Typical Work

Investigates, documents and determines financial responsibility in cases involving DSHS funded and/or administered programs and services; 

Issues notices and findings of responsibility and supports such findings at administrative hearings and judicial review; 

Identifies and pursues third party sources of recovery such as private and group insurance, self-funded insurance programs, government funded health insurance and benefit programs and certain tort claims; 

Evaluates, determines collectability and prioritizes the recovery of overpayments of State and Federal funds, such as public assistance, food stamps, and vendors; 

Enforces the recovery of public funds through administrative and judicial procedures such as subpoenas, orders to withhold and deliver, garnishments and liens; 

Reviews and implements court orders, administrative decisions, Federal and State regulations and laws as they pertain to financial recovery programs; 

Negotiates and settles claims as authorized; waives collection when not cost effective or feasible to pursue, subject to approval; 

Interprets and explains to clients Federal and State programs, policies, regulations, laws, directives, rules and eligibility requirements as they apply to financial recovery; 

Prepares cases requiring court action for the Assistant Attorney General; testifies in court and administrative hearings; 

Interviews debtors and arranges adequate payment plans in all cases; 

Traces debtors through various local, State, and Federal resources and telecommunication systems; 

Performs other work as assigned.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of:  investigation procedures and practices, collection laws and procedures, legal rights and remedies in civil law, and basic accounting practices.


Ability to:  comprehend complex laws, court decisions, regulations and many complex programs; conduct effective interviews with a broad segment of society, including persons with limited communication skills; communicate and negotiate payment plans; write and speak clearly, concisely and accurately; represent the department in a wide variety of situations.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

One year as a Financial Recovery Enforcement Officer 1.


A Bachelor's degree and one year of experience in collection of civil debts, adjustment of claims, determination of financial responsibility or investigation of financial backgrounds.

Additional qualifying experience may substitute, year for year, for the required education.

Class Specification History

New class: 11-15-85
Revised definition, added distinguishing characteristics, general revision: 12-7-87
Revised definition and general revision: 11-15-91
New class code: (formerly 46420) effective July 1, 2007

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.