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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 383G
Category: Protective Services


Manages a caseload of adults under supervision including specialized case management. Applies swift and certain response to a supervised individual’s violation behavior. Matches the level of supervision to the supervised individual’s risk of reoffending, based on static factors; assesses supervised individual’s criminogenic needs used in targeted treatment; and notifies local law enforcement of supervised individuals who commit new crimes.

Distinguishing Characteristics

This is the professional journey-level class of the class series. Incumbents have full responsibility to plan, organize, and complete assignments independently. Assess risk/needs factors; monitor and/or facilitate treatment plans; and determine and make referrals to resources as appropriate.

Typical Work

Manages a caseload of adults under supervision including assessment of individual’s criminogenic needs used in targeting treatment and programming; uses positive reinforcements and disapproval techniques that impact supervised individual’s behavioral changes; applies swift and certain response to supervised individual’s violation behavior; notifies local law enforcement and/or prosecutors of all new criminal behavior for consideration of new charges; and apprehends, arrests and transports supervised individual to confinement;

Supervises adults under community supervision; uses communication strategies to engage the individual in their success in the community and towards behavior change, refers/monitors supervised individuals to DOC programming and treatment of community programs, refers supervised individuals to resources in DOC and the community to address their needs and barriers, and holds the supervised individual accountable to conditions of supervision and reinforces positive behavior. The supervision framework is based on the individual’s risk and needs, and is responsive to the individual under supervision;

Uses risk needs responsivity practices with every interaction;

Uses assessment tools, including Washington One, interviewing techniques, fidelity measures and hearings processes related to Swift and Certain/2ESSB 6204;

Provides intense supervision for adults qualifying for supervision in the community under SHB 2638 Graduated Reentry;

Reports violations of electronic home monitoring equipment or policies;

Completes intake with supervised individuals to orient them to supervision; ensures that the risk assessment is accurate and complete; completes the supervised individual needs assessment;

Develops individualized case plans that address identified risk and needs areas; imposes, monitors, and enforces conditions of supervision;

Conducts field visits to supervised individual’s homes, employment sites, treatment sites, and other collateral locations;

Conducts searches and arrests of supervised individuals; conducts searches of individual’s residences and vehicles; seizes and secures evidence and preserves chain of custody, transports supervised individuals to detaining agency; requests and executes warrants for supervised individuals who abscond supervision, collects/assesses/documents for supervised individual drug and alcohol testing;

Creates and updates supervision plans; makes sound decisions concerning the supervised individual in terms of loss of liberty, sanctions, living arrangements, and treatment/educational referrals; establishes and monitors monthly payment schedules for legal financial obligations;

Investigates alleged violations; prepares written documentation and recommends sanctions; arrest and detain supervised individuals following violations; determines/presents the evidence at hearing to address violations for the court, DOC Administrative Hearings, and Indeterminate Sentence Review Board; testifies at violation hearings;

Conducts pre-sentence investigations and prepares reports; collects victim/witness information;

Refers supervised individuals for polygraph exams, and read, maintain, evaluate, and document results;

Makes sound decisions concerning supervised individual’s financial obligations, loss of liberty, sanctions, living arrangements, and treatment and education referrals;

Collects, tests, evaluates, documents, and maintains supervised individual urine samples;

Conducts, evaluates, and documents breathalyzer tests;

Notifies local law enforcement and/or prosecutors of all new criminal behavior for consideration of new charges; apprehends, arrests and transports supervised individuals to confinement;

Records contacts with supervised individuals in the electronic record; maintains file in orderly, chronological sequence; opens, closes, and purges files; ensures the electronic management systems is updated and accurate; requests and reviews supervised individual criminal history and updates the risk assessment;

Screens supervised individual for placement in the facility;

Works with each supervised individual during intake to identify prior employment skills and experience to match them with a hiring business in the area of the facility;

Approves supervised individual’s employment and work locations;

Works with the employers of hiring businesses to set up interviews for supervised individuals that may fulfill the respective employer’s employment needs and wants;

Makes sound decisions about programming and treatment needs and referrals to create facility intake plans upon supervised individual’s arrival;

Reviews and updates supervised individual custody facility plans and programming needs based on behavior;

Develops and submits supervised individual release plans. Coordinates with field CCOs on new or existing release plans by providing information on the supervised individual, release sponsor, or other resources;

Prepares for yearly work release audits; may conduct audits at work release facilities as part of an audit team;

Serves on committees and task forces; speaks to community service clubs, schools, law enforcement agencies, and similar organizations;

Performs other work as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: criminal justice system and community corrections; principles and practices of caseload management; Washington State laws, administrative codes and regulations pertaining to parole, probation, determinate sentencing, and work/training/reentry centers; hearings before the courts, Indeterminate Sentencing Review Board, and DOC Administrative Hearings; jail booking and detention procedures.

Ability to: use authority constructively; manage a caseload of adults under supervision; interact with adults under supervision; build rapport and cooperation of adults under supervision; establish and maintain effective working relationships with others; represent the agency positively before criminal justice agencies, community organizations, and general public; appraise persons and situations accurately and adopt appropriate course of action; write and speak accurately, clearly, objectively, and effectively.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

One year of experience as a Community Corrections Officer.


A Bachelor's degree and one year of professional experience in adult or juvenile corrections or closely related field which includes managing cases, making field visits, writing reports, assessing cases and making recommendations, referring people to appropriate resources, and presenting cases in court or hearings.

A Master's degree in sociology, social work, psychology, criminology, or closely related field will substitute for the required experience.

Note: Professional case management includes activities such as: assessment of risk factors; designing, monitoring and/or facilitating treatment plans; determining and making referrals to resources as appropriate (chemical dependency, substance abuse, family counseling, job training assistance, etc.); maintaining official records and tracking client progress/compliance; and assisting individuals who are unable to independently access support systems or community resources such as those providing food, clothing, or monetary assistance and shelter.

Note: A valid driver's license may be required.

Note: Positions may be filled at the Community Corrections Officer 1 level with a one-year in-training plan. Training will consist of successful completion of the Community Corrections Officer Academy within six months of employment and on-the-job training throughout the in-training period.

Class Specification History

Revised: November 1, 1963.
Revised minimum qualifications: June 15, 1970.
Revised minimum qualifications: October 16, 1975.
Revised definition, minimum qualifications, adds distinguishing characteristics,
title change (formerly Parole and Probation Officer 1): February 9, 1979.
Revised distinguishing characteristics and minimum qualifications: September 14, 1979.
Revised class code (formerly 3610): April 15, 1983.
Title change (formerly Parole and Probation Officer 2): May 11, 1984.
Revised definition, distinguishing characteristics and minimum qualifications: March 1, 1988.
Revised minimum qualifications: April 14, 1989.
Revised definition and distinguishing characteristics: July 1, 1996.
Salary adjustment and revise class code; adopted May 10, 2007, effective July 1, 2007.
(July 21, 2008) Revised desirable qualifications language; deleted equivalent education/experience language.
(July 17, 2009) Revised desirable qualifications; added Note to provide clarification and a descriptor of case management activities.
Salary adjustment, revise definition, distinguishing characteristics, typical work, knowledge skills and abilities and desirable qualifications; adopted June 30, 2017, effective July 1, 2017.
Base range salary adjustment, revised title, definition, typical work, knowledge and abilities, adopted June 22, 2023, effective July 1, 2023.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.