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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 351V
Category: Social Services


Within the Division of Development Disabilities, manages an outstation office and provides advanced level of social services, specialized case management and provider/vendor resources to people who have developmental disabilities and to their families.

Distinguishing Characteristics

An outstation office is a designated area within a region, consisting if one or more counties; or an incorporated area with a minimum of 100 clients, which is at least 35 miles from the Regional Office, with the absence of on-site supervision.  May lead other Case/Resource Managers in a designated outstation located away from the DDD Regional Office.  Represents the Regional Administrator in the designated local area.

Typical Work

Manages the local outstation office facility and arranges for custodial and other office supports; 

Acts as the designated leadworker over professional staff and directs, trains and assigns work in an outstation; 

Represents regional administration at local public meetings, on local governmental task forces and committees; 

Manages a caseload of people who have developmental disabilities and provides specialized services to clients and their family by developing, implementing and monitoring Individual Service Plans;  

Interprets state and federal regulations to established boards, citizen groups, providers/vendors and others concerned and involved with services for people with developmental disabilities; 

Coordinates resource programs with case management services, DSHS Offices, county coordinators, Adult Family Homes, county boards, and other vendors;  

Provides support services and oversight to Adult Family Home providers to enhance health, safety, and quality of life for DD residents; 

Final decision authority on determinations of client eligibility, and provides intake services; evaluates individuals for admission to residential habilitation centers; ssessment of client needs, including diagnoses and evaluation of individual clients who have behavioral, social and emotional problems;   

Arranges for special placement and other residential, vocational and recreational supports for children and/or adults;  

Assesses/evaluates facility situations, makes recommendations, and plans for family support services, including respite care, chore, day program for adults, early childhood development program, therapies and others;  

As a Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (OMRP), maintains compliance with Federal IMR and CAP regulations;   

Develops corrective action plans and reports in response to evaluations, Quality Improvement AFH visits, and other audits; assists contractor to comply with contract, and takes appropriate actions; 

Performs other duties as required.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Two years of experience as a Case/Resource Manager.


A Bachelor's degree in social sciences, social services, human services, behavioral sciences or an allied field and three years of experience providing social services to people with developmental disabilities.  

Graduate training in a social sciences, social services, human services, behavioral sciences or an allied field will substitute, year for year, for one year of the experience providing social services to people with developmental disabilities.

Class Specification History

New class: Effective July 1, 1988 (approved June 9, 1988)
Revised definition and general revision: 6-11-99; effective 7 1 99
Revised minimum qualifications: 3-9-01
New class code: (formerly 35620) effective July 1, 2007|
Salary adjustment--range 52 to 54; final adoption May 8, 2014, effective May 9, 2014.
Base range salary adjustment adopted 6/30/2017, effective 7/1/2017; 54 to 56.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.