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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 350D
Category: Social Services

Class Series Concept

See Corrections Specialist Assistant.


This is the senior-level of the series, independently performs complex duties and serves as the program specialist responsible for corrections programs or activities within an assigned division, region or for a designated geographical area such as:
  • Audits correctional programs for compliance with policy;
  • Manages a specialized caseload of individuals under DOC jurisdiction, such as those under Least Restrictive Alternative or Family Offender Sentencing Alternative;
  • Oversight, coordination and implementation of correctional programs or activities such as the Responsible Fatherhood Opportunities for Reentry and Mobility (ReFORM) and the Substance Abuse Recovery Unit (SARU) treatment programs;


Within a major security facility or correctional complex that includes multiple levels of confinement, has overall responsibility of institutional hearings or a multi-million dollar custody roster management program.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Typical Work

Prepares and maintains administrative and business reports, records, comprehensive plans, summaries and recommendations;

Works with program participants, staff, representatives of outside organizations and/or members of the public in defining needs and planning, designing and developing specialized program activities; monitors and tracks participant eligibility and participation in program activities;

Conducts administrative segregation and institutional disciplinary hearings; ensures hearings are held in accordance with policy and WAC;

Coordinates a major function of the chemical dependency treatment program;

Coordinates programs for individuals with hearing impairments;

Completes chemical dependency screens or risk assessment reports ordered by the court;

Completes evaluations of individuals under DOC jurisdiction related to cognitive behavior intervention programs and training; provides oversight of cognitive behavior interventions;

Identifies and recruits eligible individuals under DOC jurisdiction as program participants;

Interprets RCWs, WACs, federal regulation and/or case law;

Develops and manages the master roster at a major facility to include cost effective use of assigned staff, coordinating bid process, ensuring compliance with field instructions/Operational Memorandums and union contracts; as well as prepare analysis of data, indicating trends and problem areas related to custody staff management and overtime;

Assesses treatment needs for individuals under DOC jurisdiction, such as substance use disorder treatment;

Performs other related work as required;

May supervise lower level staff.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Bachelor's degree


Four years of professional experience in adult or juvenile corrections, social services or closely related field.

Note: Additional qualifying experience will substitute, year for year, for up to two years of the desired education. A Master's degree will substitute for one year of experience.

Class Specification History

New class effective June 1, 2005; Corrections Specialist 4 (replaces 39170 Correctional Program Manager).
Added class series concept and revised definition; adopted August 13, 2015; effective August 14, 2015.
Revised definition and typical work; adopted June 30, 2017, effective July 1, 2017.
Revised class series concept, definition, typical work and desirable qualifications; added distinguishing characteristics; adopted June 13, 2019; effective July 1, 2019.
Revised definition and typical work; and removed distinguishing characteristics; adopted June 22, 2023, effective July 1, 2023.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.