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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 289D
Category: Health Care

Class Series Concept

See Public Health and Epidemiologist 2


As a licensed physician, supervises a major epidemiological section comprised of epidemiologists and research staff; OR is designated by the agency as the epidemiological expert providing the highest level of technical expertise on public health policies and public health hazards.

Typical Work

Directs distinct epidemiological research groups investigating human morbidity or mortality;

Oversees and coordinates local, state, and/or federal health research programs;

Carries final responsibility for study designs, methodologies, investigations, conclusions, and program recommendations; has full responsibility and authority over all administrative matters within the unit; has final authority for assigned technical support to top management;

Proposes and reviews major public health policies;

Serves as a technical expert in a specialty area of epidemiology designated by agency management.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Positions required to practice medicine in the field of epidemiology must have a license to practice medicine in the state of Washington.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

A Medical degree with a Master's degree in epidemiology or a Master's degree in public health including 12 graduate quarter hours (500 level or above) in epidemiology and 12 graduate quarter hours in biostatistics and five years of experience in epidemiology research analysis. Completion of related training or experience such as with the Centers for Disease Control or the National Institute of Health will substitute for MPH degree.

Note: When an M.D. is selected, a license to practice medicine in the state of Washington must be obtained.

Class Specification History

New class replaces 53525 Senior Epidemiologist (Medical); effective June 1, 2005.
Revised Legal Requirements and Desirable Qualifications; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action..
June 6, 2024: Added Class Series Concept reference, housekeeping only.