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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 151E
Category: Financial Services

Class Series Concept

Provide administrative support to administrator or manager in the area of fiscal and/or business management. Apply principles of financial management to perform such functions as record keeping, auditing, analysis, budgeting, payroll, travel, purchasing and other types of fiscal operations.


Provide fiscal support in areas such as budget maintenance, payroll, purchasing, travel, expenditure control and/or fiscal analysis.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Under general supervision perform one or more fiscal administrative support functions for a department, research center or other organizational unit such as establishing and maintaining a comprehensive system for recording fiscal activity, coordinating purchasing functions and expenditure control, coordinating payroll/personnel recordkeeping functions, or maintaining revenue account records. Exercise independent judgment in interpreting and applying rules and regulations to resolve problems; independently advise principal investigators, staff and administrators regarding applicable policy and procedures; select/recommend alternative courses of action. Incumbents use established procedures in recording, summarizing and reporting fiscal activity.

Typical Work

Maintain and modify fiscal record keeping systems, databases, and spreadsheets; review fiscal records; identify trends; assist in formulating corrective action; 

Maintain a record keeping system for recording budget transactions; review budget reports, verify accuracy and take corrective action if necessary; reconcile budget status reports and prepare expenditure projections; notify appropriate individual of any projected or actual over- or under-expenditures; 

Maintain purchasing records and resolve problems; review, approve and allocate purchase to proper budget and category; ensure compliance with departmental, institutional and/or granting agency policies, rules and regulations; 

Maintain personnel and payroll records; calculate salary and benefits costs; initiate, record and ensure the accuracy of personnel and payroll action documents; control petty cash records; 

Maintain and process travel expense records; ensure compliance with state and institution regulations and procedures; allocate travel expenses to appropriate budgets; 

Prepare, compile and provide fiscal reports such as year end reports, budgetary reports, and auditing reports; 

Assist with the development of budgets for grant or program requests; may consult with funding agencies to resolve problems and interpret guidelines; 

May direct the work of others; 

Perform related duties as required.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Three years of fiscal record keeping experience.


Equivalent education/experience.

Class Specification History

New Class (Budget Coordinator): 6-16-73
Revise Code, Class, & Title (Budget Coordinator A): 1-18-74
New Class (Budget Coordinator B): 1-18-74
Revise Class/Title/Index:  1-20-86
Revise Class/Title:  6/7/91
Revised new class code:  formerly 2036, effective July 1, 2007.
Base range salary adjustment adopted 6/13/2019, effective 7/1/2019.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.