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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 255M
Category: Education

Class Series Concept

Positions in this series perform various instructional and classroom support services including academic and vocational instructional programs, scientific instructional programs, and extension educational activities.  Duties typically include assisting in the individualized or group instruction of students in development of learning skills; or working with faculty or instructors in preparing, modifying, and/or developing instructional programs, teaching aids, materials and equipment associated with shop, classroom, or laboratory instruction which requires positions to have technical knowledge of the discipline(s).


Positions work under general supervision of an assigned teacher/supervisor.  Positions assist the teacher/supervisor by performing routine instructional support services for academic and vocational instructional programs or perform various extension educational activities.  Duties include activities such as assisting in preparing materials and equipment for use in a shop, classroom or laboratory; setting up, maintaining, and operating equipment in accordance with standardized procedures or instructions received from academic or supervisory personnel; assisting students in course work assignments, individualized, and group instruction for development of learning skills such as reading, study skills, or other instructional areas; assisting instructors in presenting course material; and administering and scoring tests.

Typical Work

Assists supervisor/instructor in classroom work, field trips, and lecture periods; assists in the classroom with self-help needs;

Helps with vocational training activities and maintains discipline while supervisor gives individual attention to students;

Prepares materials for use in classrooms, laboratories or instructional shops; sets up assignments, equipment or demonstration apparatus for classes; confers with instructor in establishing and developing assignments;

Receives materials and supplies used in classes; assists instructors in demonstration of tools, equipment, machinery, apparatus and materials;

Modifies equipment, materials and programs as required for individual instructors; assists students and instructors in selecting correct tools and materials;

Instructs student assistants in the operation and maintenance of study skills equipment; operates equipment such as controlled readers, shadow scopes, language master, typewriter, and other office and business machines; 

Catalogues equipment and supplies for easy acquisitions and orders supplies;

Administers standardized tests to students; scores tests and records results for analysis;

Maintains files on individual student’s progress; reviews daily work of students; conducts individual student conferences as necessary; 

Contacts individuals and families to explain Cooperative Extension programs and benefits; recruits program participants; 

Instructs individuals and groups in basic nutrition, food purchasing techniques, clothing fabrication, sanitation, home economics, 4-H or related subject areas;

Maintains records of work activities and prepares reports;

Attends and participates in periodic in-service training programs covering extension subject matter, confidence building techniques, procedures for establishing rapport, and general orientation in Cooperative Extension policies and procedures;

Performs other work as required;

May teach laboratory portion of selected classes;

May direct the work of others.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification.  It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Desirable Qualifications

Six months to two years of full-time experience/training in the appropriate discipline. 


Equivalent education/experience.

Class Specification History

New class adopted 5/10/2007, effective 7/1/2007; consolidates 255I Instruction and Classroom Support Technician 1 and 255J Instruction and Classroom Support Technician 2 into new class "255M."