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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 124B
Category: Administrative Services

Class Series Concept

In the Department of Labor and Industries, enforces the Industrial Welfare Act, Public Works Act, Farm Labor Contractors Act and the Minimum Wage and Overtime Act, the Wage Payment Act, and other related statutes.  Investigates wage disputes.  Mediates and/or negotiates settlements between employers and employees.


This is the journey level of the series.  Enforces the Industrial Welfare Act, Public Works Act, Farm Labor Contractors Act and the Minimum Wage and Overtime Act, the Wage Payment Act, and other related statutes.  Investigates routine wage disputes.  Provides assistance to higher level Industrial Relations Agents on more complex investigations and/or disputes, issues notices of violation, notices of infraction, and citations and assessments.  Mediates and/or negotiates settlements between employers and employees on issues of a routine nature.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Incumbents in these positions independently apply and enforce relevant administrative law and agency policies.  Incumbents use a substantial amount of discretionary authority for exercising judgment, in conjunction with above cited acts and other related statues.

Typical Work

Responsible for the proper application, interpretation, and enforcement of numerous state labor laws including the Public Works Act, Minimum Wage and Overtime Act, the Wage Payment Act, Industrial Welfare Act, and Farm Labor Contractors Act, and other related statutes;  

Represents the Department of Labor and Industries to business firms, employer associations and their legal counsels, employees, employee groups, unions, local governmental agencies including law enforcement, and other interested parties;  

Mediates disputes and negotiates settlement for collection of unpaid wages, agreed wage rate, and improper payment of overtime; issues subpoenas and resolves wage disputes and employment condition issues between employees and employers; reviews and audits payroll records to determine unlawful payment of wages; prepares case files for litigation if dispute is not resolved through mediation or negotiations;  

Determines validity of prevailing wage and employment standards complaints by applying rules and regulations promulgated by the department; conducts investigations and obtains evidence which includes reviewing contracts between public agencies, contractors, and subcontractors; audits payroll records, negotiates for restitution of wages, mediates settlement or compromise proposals that both parties might find acceptable, issues notices of violation, notices of infraction, and citations and assessments, files liens with public agencies and prepares case files for litigation, and testifies in judicial proceedings;  

Ensures compliance with rules and regulations involving employment standards and the safe and suitable employment of minors; conducts on-site inspections and recommends approval/disapproval of issuance of Sub-minimum Wage Employment Certificates and Variance Applications;  

Investigates and enforces farm labor contracting, licensing, and bonding to ensure proper payment of wages to reforestation or agricultural workers under the Farm Labor Contractors Act;  

Organizes meetings and conferences, addressing groups interested in labor laws and regulations; attends administrative hearings, labor-management seminars, and educational conferences; 

Provides technical support to field service managers and their staff regarding application or regulations, issuance of special permits, and interpretation of policies under applicable state laws;  

Compiles reports upon request regarding activities, cases, special case investigations, offering recommendations for resolution, and disposition; 

May supervise or direct the work of others; 

Other duties as assigned.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position. 

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

A Bachelor's degree 


Two years of experience in labor/employment relations and regulations, collection of revenue/taxes from employers/businesses, investigation of complaints of misconduct, audit of employer financial records, or the interpretation and explanation of Labor and Industries rules and regulations regarding employment standards, prevailing wages, wage and hour, and child labor laws or related experience.  

Additional qualifying experience will substitute for education at the rate of one year of experience for two years of education.

Class Specification History

New class, replaced 47980 Industrial Relations Agent; effective January 1, 2006.
Revise class. Revises class series concept, definition, and distinguishing characteristics; adopted May 10, 2007, effective July 1, 2007.
Base range salary adjustment adopted 6/30/2017, effective 7/1/2017.


Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.