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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 120C
Category: Administrative Services


Positions at this level have the responsibility to provide consultation and technical support services to business and industry for the development and enforcement of complex apprenticeship training programs.  

For the purposes of this specification, complex apprenticeship training programs are those that include two or more of the following:

  • Multiple trades, crafts, and functions;
  • Multiple technical/industrial operations and processes;
  • Multiple political, or high visibility media/legal issues;
  • Consulting and establishing networks and articulations between multiple educational institutions (high schools, community and technical colleges, and other post-secondary training and education institutions).

Distinguishing Characteristics

This is the senior, specialist or lead worker level of the series. As a fully qualified Apprenticeship Consultant, under general direction, performs consultation and technical services requiring a higher level of knowledge and experience, such as but not limited to: marketing the State of Washington Apprenticeship Program; assisting Apprenticeship Training Committees (ATCs) in drafting new apprenticeship standards and revising existing standards; developing and presenting registered apprenticeship and/or on-the-job training programs; serves on task forces or advisory committees.

Typical Work

Contacts employers and representatives of employee and employer groups and post-secondary training and education institutions to market the State of Washington Apprenticeship Program and encourage the establishment of apprenticeship standards;

Works with multiple state and federal agencies and representatives of various technical disciplines to provide consultation services to ATCs for the establishment, registration, and operation of apprenticeship programs; works with similar agencies and representatives to promote multi-party supported apprenticeship programs; 

Assists ATCs in drafting new apprenticeship standards and revising existing standards;

Develops and presents registered apprenticeship and/or on-the-job training programs for employer and industry groups; 

Enforces state and federal laws applying to apprenticeship; investigates established programs for conformity to standards and complaints of individual apprentices regarding quality of instruction; checks payroll to see that apprentices are properly paid;  

Maintains current files of agreements between registered apprentices and their programs and current files of agreements related to apprenticeship programs and apprentices;  

Provides liaison services between educational and workforce development entities and ATCs to develop and maintain the following types of state and federal programs: pre-apprenticeship training, apprenticeship training, school-to-work, and technical preparation; coordinates and develops programs as provided by state and federal law; 

Assists apprenticeship programs in meeting their equal employment opportunity goals through outreach, development, and promotion; 

Provides liaison services to assure proper reciprocity between interstate apprenticeship agreements as provided by state and federal law; 

Consults with high schools, community and technical colleges, and other institutions of post-secondary education regarding course and curriculum development and articulation relative to apprenticeship programs; facilitates joint agreement and collaboration on these issues among school, industry, and apprenticeship organization officials; 

Serves on task forces or advisory committees to promote registered apprenticeship and develop vocational education policies and procedures, or as a statewide or regional specialist on these issues; 

May supervise or direct the work of others. 

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position. 

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Successful completion of the journey level Apprenticeship Consultant 2. in-training plan. 


Journey level standing as a result of completion of an apprenticeship program. 


Two years of experience working for, or providing technical assistance and consultation services to a registered apprenticeship program. 


A Bachelor’s degree and two years of professional experience involving apprenticeship and/or related workforce development education and training. 


Four years of experience developing and implementing apprenticeship preparation programs or pre-apprenticeship programs that have a documented relationship to, and receive guidance from, a registered apprenticeship program(s). 


Equivalent education/experience.

Class Specification History

New Class:  Effective January 1, 2006
Replaces:  18971 Apprenticeship Coordinator 2
Revise class.  Revised definition and typical work; adopted May 10, 2007, effective July 1, 2007.
Revise class. Revised, definition, add distinguishing characteristics, revise typical work, desirable qualifications and salary, adopted June 13, 2019, effective July 1, 2019.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.