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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 422H
Category: Legal Services

Class Series Concept

See Labor Relations Adjudicator/Mediator 1.


Supervises a team of Labor Relations Adjudicators/Mediators (LRAMs).

Distinguishing Characteristics

Under administrative direction and acting independently under the delegated authority of the Executive Director, has responsibility for supervising a team of LRAM staff who provide resolution services to labor-management disputes.

As part of the agency’s management team, oversees the processing of cases filed with the agency and participates directly in the review, formulation, dissemination and implementation of agency policy. As a resource for policy formulation, positions disseminate, explain, implement and enforce agency policies in dealings with staff and clientele.

Typical Work

As part of the agency’s management team:  

  • Promotes, fosters and maintains organizational culture and ethics in team members to preserve agency neutrality;
  • Reviews existing rules and policies, with direct involvement in policy formulation; disseminates, explains, implements and enforces agency policies with staff and clientele; 

As supervisor of lower level staff:   

  • Assigns casework to a team of LRAM 1 and/or LRAM 2 staff; monitors progress of cases and provides guidance to LRAMs;
  • Ensures team has the necessary tools, training and support needed; provides opportunities for development;
  • Assesses clientele requests for service against overall priorities and available resources;
  • Matches clientele needs to staff members’ strengths and availability;
  • Mentors and oversees LRAM 1 level work assignments;
  • Develops strategies and provides guidance and consultation to subordinate team members to assist in the resolution of parties’ disputes;  

Case Consultation: 

  • Identifies problems affecting statewide priorities or precedent, and refers issues for review by the Executive Director, when warranted; provides the first and primary level of guidance, insight and legal consultation to staff members regarding processing of cases;   
  • Edits case decisions written by staff to ensure compliance with agency standards and Commission precedents;   

Performs the duties of lower level classifications, when needed; 

Performs other duties as assigned.

Knowledge and Abilities

Advanced knowledge of: principles of labor/management relations, including economics, human resources, collective bargaining and negotiations, statutes administered by PERC and all PERC rules, general laws affecting labor/management relations including employment discrimination, Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 34.05 RCW), and case precedents of National Labor Relations Board (private sector).   

Expertise in conducting hearings and opinion writing, in preparing formal written opinions by organizing the relevant facts, arguments, and conclusions of law in clear and logical sequence, including determination of credibility of witnesses, review of record, legal briefs, and case precedents.

Ability to: apply supervisory skills in an agency which serves a diverse jurisdiction with a variety of services.  This involves integrating the knowledge of PERC’s clientele, RCW’s and WAC’s in order to assist in formulating strategic planning and resource management, develop and evaluate agency policy, and evaluate agency-wide service delivery guidelines and procedures;  Oversee an organizational unit to successfully resolve complex technical/advanced dynamics in the public sector labor law community; 

Preside at hearings with impartiality, ruling on questions of admissibility of evidence;   

Prepare formal written opinions by organizing the relevant facts, arguments, and conclusions of law in clear and logical sequence, including determination of credibility of witnesses, review of record, legal briefs, and case precedents;  

Listen actively and critically analyze issues, to suggest innovative solutions while maintaining impartiality;  

Patiently, persistently and persuasively encourage parties to resolve disputes; 

Apply knowledge to diverse and changing work structures and type of public employers.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

A law degree and five+ years of experience in collective bargaining with major work assignments in negotiations, contract administration or related work as a union or management representative, mediator, hearing officer or examiner, arbitrator or educator in the above areas, or 


A Master’s degree in labor relations, personnel management, or closely allied field. 

Additional qualifying experience will substitute, year for year, for education.

Class Specification History

Establishment adopted 5/17/2018, effective 5/18/2018.
Base range salary adjustment (from 79 to 81): adopted 2/8/2024, effective 2/9/2024.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.