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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 391D
Category: Protective Services


This is the senior level of the series. Positions at this level work under general direction and perform higher-level elevator inspections involving new technology and inspections of other conveyances of a complex nature. Positions at this level conduct conveyance related accident investigations and prepare formal reports on investigative findings.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Positions work independently to perform complex conveyance inspections such as; multi-story buildings with multiple conveyances and health care facilities.

Typical Work

Assists and mentors lower levels within the series in conducting elevator inspections, acts as an informative liaison between field inspectors and the supervisory level; performs other elevator inspections as needed;

Conducts accident investigations of a complicated nature, resulting in hospitalization, amputation and fatalities. Interviews witnesses and prepares formal reports on investigative findings.

During inspections, ensures elevator mechanics and workers are properly licensed;

Reviews written correction notices as needed from lower levels within the series; writes letters and makes contact with building owners and managers regarding questions pertaining to elevators and other conveyances.

Functions as liaison resolving problems arising between conveyance owners, contractors, mechanics and the agency;

Conveys and explains code changes, policies, procedures and interpretations to inspectors;

Prepares correspondence, reports and accurate records of work;

Reviews and interprets plans for new elevator installations to ensure compliance with appropriate codes, rules, and regulations; advises, coordinates and reviews plans for architects, engineers, construction supervisors, etc.;

Assists in the development of new training programs for inspectors to ensure uniform interpretation of codes, rules and regulations; explains code changes and interpretations; Assists in training new inspectors and inspector assistants;

In the supervisor’s absence, acts as intermediary when conflicting opinions exist and/or the need for an on-site interpretation arises in the daily enforcement of inspection codes, rules and regulations;

Performs other work as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: ANSI/ASME Safety Codes for Elevators and Escalators, RCW's, WAC's, Uniform Building Codes (U.B.C.), National Electrical Codes (N.E.C.620), National Fire Protection Agency Codes (N.F.P.A.) and current interpretations, standard practices, methods, materials, tools and equipment in the elevator trade; industry hazards and safety precautions; layout and operation of elevators.

Ability to: inspect conveyances to Qualified Elevator Inspector (QEI) standards as enforced by the State of Washington; read and interpret plans and blueprints of elevator installations; interpret and apply elevator codes; meet and deal effectively with people; prepare clear, concise reports.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Possess and maintain a current Qualified Elevator Inspector certification (QEI);




Two years’ experience as an Elevator Inspector 2 with the Department of Labor and Industries or equivalent with another jurisdiction;



Completion of advanced accident investigation class within the past two years; or completion within the initial review period.

Class Specification History

New class; adopted June 13, 2019; effective July 1, 2019

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.