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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 567A
Category: Agricultural Operations

Class Series Concept

Positions in this series perform weighing, sampling, and inspection functions for grains and commodities including wheat, barley, mixed grains, corn, oats, rye, sorghum, flaxseed, soybeans, peas, split peas, lentils, beans, canola and Triticale. Duties are performed at mills, shipping points, grain elevators, laboratories and other locations. Incumbents interact with local and international producers, government officials and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials. Duties are performed under the provisions of the US Grain Standards Act and Agricultural Marketing Act, state Agricultural Commodities statute, and federal and state rules and regulations.


This is the entry professional-level of the series. Positions weigh, sample, and examine grain and agricultural commodities to facilitate grain movement both domestically and internationally.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Under general supervision, positions use US Federal Grain Inspection Services (FGIS) mandated Class X and Class Y standards and guidelines to perform weighing functions; obtain official grain samples at mills, shipping points, grain elevators and other locations; and operate testing equipment in a laboratory setting. Provides recommendations regarding findings for supervisor’s approval.

Typical Work

Works with hopper, platform, dial, and electronic scales to determine weights and make necessary adjustments as needed, records gross and tare weights, computes net weights and issues Domestic Official Weight Certificates; 

Uses prescribed equipment to draws samples of grains or commodities from rail cars, trucks, barges, ships and other containers; 

Uses scientific and analytical methodologies to determine official representative sampling ratios; 

Examines samples at time of sampling for foreign matter, objectionable odors, uniformity of grain type and other conditions as applicable, and documents such conditions on sample tickets; 

Operates special grain inspection equipment to determine dockage, moisture, test weight per bushel, Protein Near-Infrared Transmittance (NIRT) technology to determine protein, wet gluten, oil and starch in whole grains; Perten Falling Number Analyzer to measure the alpha-amlyase activity; and/or other mechanical determinations as required; 

Uses laboratory methods to extract mycotoxin from grain. Conducts qualitative testing methods to determine toxins such as Aflatoxin, Vomitoxin, Fumonisin, Zearalenone and Ochratoxin to ensure conformance with Food Drug Administration (FDA) standards; 

Works in railroad yards and other hazardous areas, opening and closing container doors, recording on sample ticket container condition, identification, seal numbers applied, and other required information; 

Samples, checkweighs, checkloads, and/or inspects agricultural products, shipping containers for compliance with government regulations and buyer/seller contract specifications; 

Monitors weighing activities of industry personnel and verifies control board settings, digital weight displays, and printer operation and output; 

Conducts lock out tag out safety procedures on grain conveyance systems to ensure employee safety; 

Checks ships' holds to determine fitness for grain cargo and other commodities, recommends needed corrective measures to ships' officers or agents; issues ship sanitation certificates in compliance with state and federal regulations; 

Performs other related work as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: US Federal Grain Inspection Services standards, rules and regulations, state rules and regulations; arithmetic; functions of various scales and testing equipment. 

Ability to: learn state and federal regulations governing sampling and weighing; make arithmetic computations accurately; follow written and oral instructions; write accurately and legibly; keep records, complete report forms; utilize acute color and odor perception; carry up to one hundred pounds of samples; climb and work safely and with agility at high levels, around moving equipment under extra‑hazardous conditions, and often in very high temperatures; work in environments that include exposure to chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

Legal Requirement(s)

Positions require a valid Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) and 21 specific licenses required by the USDA Grain Standards Act and the USDA Agricultural Marketing Act. 

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

High school graduation or GED.

Class Specification History

New Class; adopted June 13, 2019, effective July 1, 2019.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.