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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 514F
Category: Science & Engineering


In the Department of Ecology, serves as staff hydrogeologist  in directed analyses and technical services such as data collection, field measurements, and/or construction compliance/oversight for office and field projects involving ground water unsaturated zone and/or surface water.  All work is performed under the technical review of a Hydrogeologist 3 or equivalent. 

Typical Work

Provides professional hydrogeologic review and analysis of water quality and water quantity problems; provides technical hydrogeologic assistance to other sections or programs in the department; 

Contacts well drillers to obtain geologic information; records information from well logs; prepares and drafts hydrogeologic cross-sections; measures streamflow; estimates low streamflow, flood magnitude and frequency analysis; conducts drought and watershed yield analysis; locates and maps contaminant migration in ground water, unsaturated zone and surface water; 

Determines hydrogeologic characteristics of drainage basins, aquifers, and waste sites; 

Performs field duties on pump tests, slug tests, aquifer tests, and tracer studies to determine hydrogeologic characteristics such as potentiometric surface, seasonal water level variability, hydraulic conductivity, storage coefficient, dispersivity, velocity and direction of ground water flow, and well interference; 

Analyzes project data; interprets results and reports conclusions; oversees and approves various phases of project development and implementation;  

Provides project leadership of technicians and hydrogeologic staff on field projects; 

Provides professional implementation and enforcement of state laws and regulations; 

Responds to inquiries from public officials and private interests; 

Assists in drafting and administering contracts for detailed hydrogeologic investigations and well construction; assists in drilling and administering contracts for detailed hydrogeologic investigations and well construction; prepares technical reports and memoranda; attends scientific meetings, conferences, and seminars; assists in task force and special multidisciplinary efforts to address particular hydrogeologic problems; 

Performs other work as required. 

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of:  physical and natural sciences related to quantity, quality, development, management, and monitoring of ground water and surface water quan­tity and quality which includes the principles and practices of hydrogeology, hydrology, geology, well hydraulics, stream hydraulics, soils, geochemistry, meteorology, and related subjects; basic computer science; field surveying techniques and instruments. 

Ability to:  develop and apply standard methods in determination of ground water movement and storage, ground water recharge, discharge; presence, extent and migration of contaminants; areal extent and thickness of geologic formations; hydraulic conductivities, boundary conditions, and other aquifer properties; stream flow characteristics; well construction; radial flow to a well, and well interference. 

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position. 

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

A Bachelor's degree involving major study in hydrogeology, hydrology, geology, or closely allied field. 


Two years of  professional experience as a hydrogeologist, hydrologist, geology or closely allied profession or one year as a Hydrogeologist 1. 

A Master's degree with major study in hydrogeology, hydrology, geologist or closely allied field will substitute for the two years of experience. 

Class Specification History

New class: 11-15-85
Revised minimum qualifications: 3-14-89
Revised definition and minimum qualifications: 5-15-92
New class code, formerly 63590, effective July 1, 2007.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.