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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 185A
Category: Financial Services

Class Series Concept

Positions in this series work collaboratively to develop and administer ongoing master and cooperative contracts to include statewide solicitation of bids, execution and management of contracts for a group of assigned goods and services. Positions follow all state laws, policies and procedures to commit the State of Washington to statewide contracts and ensure that contracts advance state policy goals around equity and environmental concerns.

This series is separate and distinct from the Contracts Specialist Series in the development and administration of statewide master and cooperative contracts for use by state agencies, institutions of higher education, political subdivisions and qualifying non-profits. Statutory responsibility to establish and administer statewide master contracts assigned to the Department of Enterprise Services. Although positions in the Contract Specialist series may utilize statewide contracts to meet agency purchasing needs, the development and administration of statewide contracts falls within this job class.


In the Department of Enterprise Services, performs journey level statewide solicitation, execution and management of master contracts for client agencies, colleges and universities, political subdivisions and eligible non-profit corporations.

Distinguishing Characteristics

In DES this journey level positions perform all the necessary steps to commit the State of Washington to statewide master contracts. The position will exercise independent signature authority for low-risk contracts and routinely solicit and manage medium risk contracts with guidance from team lead and supervisor.

Typical Work

For identified commodities and services, conducts research and makes recommendations on appropriate course of action/procurement methodology including, but not limited to, competitive bids and sole source acquisitions;

Serves on multi-agency client committees and evaluates input relative to specification development and contract award;

Originates and finalizes competitive solicitation documents, finalizing contracts for long term agreements;

Directs selection of interested and qualified vendors for bid distribution. Attend pre-bid conferences to provide direction to interested bidders;

Analyzes and evaluates bids or proposals and determines compliance with procurement requirements, including but not limited to technical specifications, life cycle costing, price state procurement priorities such as environmental goals, instate reciprocity, and supplier diversity;

Coordinates supplier demonstrations;

With oversight rejects bids that do not meet bid requirements. Prepares and documents contract awards and other contract actions, including expiration and extensions;

Performs ongoing contract and contractor evaluations to ensure goods and services are delivered and in accordance with contract requirements and prices remain competitive with general market;

Directs corrective action as required;

Participates in negotiations to correct performance, price adjustments or contract termination;

Meets with contractor representatives and customers to resolve contractual issues; Represents agency as attendee at trade shows and purchasing conventions;
Reviews trade publications to stay current with market trends. Communicates with suppliers to stay current with industry developments;

Assigns and oversees projects to support staff; Performs other work as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: procurement methods; research and market analysis techniques, technical writing skills, contract development and administration.

Ability to: effectively communicate both verbally and in writing. Establish and maintain effective working relationships, adapt rapidly to changing market conditions and/or customer needs, work effectively with automated procurement systems, actively participate in user committees that aid in development of contract specifications or contract dispute resolution, prepare basic contract specifications and award criteria, analyze bids or proposals and determine award, prepare, maintain and interpret procurement and contract statistics and management reports.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certifications. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

A Bachelor's degree involving major study in business administration, public administration, supply chain management or closely allied field.


Two years of experience as a Contracts Assistant or other contracting professional with comparable exposure to contract administration.

Additional qualifying experience may substitute, year for year, for the required education.

A law degree from an accredited college or university approved by the Washington State Bar Association may substitute for the experience and education.

Class Specification History

Establishment adopted June 22, 2023; effective July 1, 2023.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.