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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 536E
Category: Science & Engineering

Class Series Concept

In order for a position to be allocated into or remain in the Environmental Engineer series, it must first meet the definition for professional engineering.  Then, the appropriate level within the Environmental Engineering series will be determined.  The definition of professional engineering is:


Chapter 18.43 RCW defines the practice of engineering as the application of the mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences to such professional services as consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, design, and supervision of construction for the purpose of assuring compliance with specifications and design, in connection with any public or private utilities, structures, buildings, machines, equipment, processes, works or projects. Environmental engineering practices are oriented towards the protection of public health and/or the protection or restoration of the environment. Environmental Engineers produce or evaluate engineering documents; produce or evaluate the engineering elements of environmental and/or public health regulations, standards, guidelines or permits; and/or inspect sites or facilities to determine required remedial action or to assess compliance with federal or state regulations, contractual obligations, or permit requirements.


At the Environmental Engineer 1 (356E) level, incumbents are expected to assist in and perform routine environmental engineering activities under close or general supervision.


At the Environmental Engineer 2 (536F) level, incumbents perform the full range of environmental engineering activities within the assigned program.


At the Environmental Engineer 3 (536G) level, incumbents represent their department as a registered Professional Engineer and review and perform environmental engineering activities that require registration as a Professional Engineer.


At the Environmental Engineer 4 (536H) level, incumbents supervise a medium-sized environmental unit and represent the department as a registered Professional Engineer.


At the Environmental Engineer 5 (536I) level, incumbents either supervise an environmental section or large environmental unit performing environmental engineering duties, or are a section's authority in a specialty field.  Incumbents represent their department as a registered Professional Engineer.


At the Environmental Engineer 6 (536J) level, incumbents either supervise a medium-sized environmental section performing environmental engineering duties or are a program expert in a specialty field.  Incumbents represent their department as a registered Professional Engineer.


Performs professional environmental engineering duties under general supervision. 

Distinguishing Characteristics

This is the entry level for individuals with a Master's degree. 

Typical Work

Conducts general surveys and inspections of public water supply systems, sewage and industrial waste disposal works, swimming pools, and air pollution control systems;  

Assists in the review of plans and reports related to new construction, additions, or improvements to these facilities;  

Makes general investigations and/or surveys of water and air pollution, radiation, or other environmental engineering problems and assists in preparation of reports and recommendations for correction of conditions;  

Provides technical assistance to consultants, industry, local authorities, the public, municipal officials, agency staff and engineers on environmental engineering problems;  

Prepares engineering reports and technical data; 

Performs engineering review of facility permit applications; coordinates the development and issuance of permits; recommends permit limits;  

Provides engineering review and oversight for projects receiving agency administered grant and loan funds;  

Assists in the investigation and compilation of information relating to environmentally sensitive sites and environmental impact statement activities;  

Performs other work as required. 

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of:  principles and practice of environmental engineering and/or environmental sanitation; design, construction and operation of air quality control, water supply and treatment and sewage and industrial waste disposal systems; physical and biological sciences as related to environmental engineering; arithmetic, geometry, calculus and engineering formulas.   

Ability to:  analyze designs involving environmental engineering theory and judgment; understand and interpret written and oral directions, maps, plans, drawings, and specifications; deal tactfully with government and industrial officials; prepare written reports and make oral presentations.

Legal Requirement(s)

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification.  It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position. 

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

A Master's degree with major study in one of the following engineering fields, sanitary, water resource, civil, geotechnical, environmental, chemical, mechanical, or related field  


An Engineer-In-Training Certificate or a Bachelor's degree with a major study in one of the following engineering fields, sanitary, civil, geotechnical, water resource, environmental, chemical, mechanical or related field


One year of environmental engineering experience

Class Specification History

Revises minimum qualifications, effective January 1, 1968.
Revises minimum qualifications, effective October 1, 1968.
Revises minimum qualifications, effective December 1, 1968
Revises definition and minimum qualifications, adds distinguishing characteristics and title change (formerly Sanitary Engineer 1), effective September 18, 1989.
New class code, formerly 62480 general government, effective July 1, 2007.
General revisions, housekeeping only: Revise class series concept and distinguishing characteristics; adopted August 16, 2007, effective August 17, 2007.
General revisions, housekeeping only: Revise class series concept, effective November 14, 2008.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.