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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


<< Classified Job Listing

Class Code: 539E
Category: Science & Engineering


Performs professional architectural work in the development of plans and designs for new state‑owned or leased buildings, structures or facilities and the alteration of existing building structures or facilities.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Positions in this class are distinguished by responsibility for demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of architecture.  Judgment is required in handling complex architectural assignments.  Positions require full professional competence.

Typical Work

Works with consulting architects in planning and designing state owned or leased buildings and structures; serves as project leader during construction of projects; examines and approves or rejects their preliminary designs and finished drawings and specifications; advertises and opens bids and recommends final acceptance by State; 

Executes designs for buildings or remodeling having difficult problems; interprets these designs for drafting and preparation of plans; 

Reviews plans, drawings, specifications, and estimates accomplished by building designers and/or sub-professional personnel; 

Submits ideas, sketches, and finished drawings and cooperates with structural, electrical, and mechanical engineers for review and computation of statistics and stresses, construction and usage, effectiveness, and efficiency; 

Confers with officials of State departments, institutions, and other agencies who determine requirements for planning and designing of buildings and structures in order to satisfy space needs; 

Trains and gives advice to lower‑level building designers and sub‑professional personnel; 

Researches literature on new architectural and construction materials, techniques, and methods; selects materials and gives advice to contractors on techniques and methods; 

Prepares presentation sketches, renderings, and perspectives for basis of conferences with prospective occupants; 

Inspects buildings during construction and after completion with special reference to architectural and structural features, materials, textures, colors, and finishes; 

Manages the design process for State facilities to ensure that client agency requirements and Legislative intent are met; coordinates and directs work of consultants during the design process; 

Performs other work as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of:  theory, principles, and practices of architecture; architectural drafting procedures and equipment; making presentation drawings, building plans, elevations, sections, and perspectives; lumber, concrete, hardware, and other building materials; architectural and engineering mathematics; fire and building codes; construction costs; construction techniques and practices; administrative procedures and statutes pertaining to capital improvements; relationship of space closures and backgrounds with textures, colors, and finishes; supervisory principles and practices. 

Ability to:  sketch, render, and draft plans for buildings and other structures; use and adapt architectural standards and engineering handbooks; understand and interpret space needs of operating departments; understand and utilize effectively relationships between building occupancy, aesthetics, and orientation to view and sun; supervise and train professional and sub-professional personnel; effectively communicate in oral, written, and graphic form.

Legal Requirement(s)

Registration as an architect in Washington State or in a state having reciprocity with Washington.  

NOTE: Applicants qualifying through the reciprocity option must achieve registration in Washington State prior to appointment to this class.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

See legal requirements.

Class Specification History

New class, consolidates 4659 Associate Architect, 64240 Architect 1; adopted May 10, 2007, effective July 1, 2007
(08/22/08) Revised desirable qualifications and legal requirements language.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.