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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 652I
Category: Marine-Ferry & Aircraft
Salary Range: 39G
Abolished Effective: 05-15-2009

Class Series Concept

Mates are responsible for safe navigation of the ship and directing deck operations.


Serve as third mate aboard ship. 

Distinguishing Characteristics

Serve as third officer and fourth in command of an ocean research ship of approximately 2000 gross tons.

Typical Work

Stands bridge watches operating and navigating the ship;

Operates sophisticated navigational systems such as dynamic positioning system;

Directs maintenance of life saving equipment;

Requisitions life saving equipment;

In charge of bridge watch entering and leaving port;

Stands security watches when required;

Teaches courses in seamanship and other marine specialties;

Performs related duties as required.

Legal Requirement(s)

A U.S. Coast Guard Third Mate's license valid for operation of an inspected motor vessel of unlimited tonnage, upon ocean waters.

Desirable Qualifications

See Legal Requirement(s).

Class Specification History

New Class:  1-3-73
Revise Class:  6-27-88
Revise Class:  2-15-91
Revise class. Revises class code (formerly 4947), adopted May 10, 2007, effective July 1, 2007; general revision revises typical work; effective July 1, 2007.
Abolished; adopted May 14, 2009, effective May 15, 2009.