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State of Washington Classified Job Specification


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Class Code: 506K
Category: Science & Engineering


As the investigator of funeral directors and embalmers of the State of Washington, investigates violations of State laws and regulations governing the licensing and practices of funeral directors and embalmers, inspects funeral establishment facilities and conducts audit reviews of prearrangement funeral services accounts.

Typical Work

Investigates complaints State‑wide related to funeral functions and practices involving the handling, transportation, embalming, cremation and final disposition of deceased persons; 

Investigates complaints involving the requirement of itemized pricing information as outlined in RCW 18.39.195 (lb) and (2); 

Performs annual audits/reviews of funeral homes registered to sell; prearrangement funeral services; audits include a thorough review of financial statements, step by step confirmation of deposits and disbursements and proof that all funds held in trust are being administered in accordance with RCW 18.39 and WAC 308‑49; 

Annually inspects funeral homes and preparation room facilities State‑wide to ensure that they meet equipment, utilities and sanitation requirements; coordinates inspection findings with County Health officials and assists in enforcing health standards regulations; gathers and preserves evidence and documents in an admissible form for presentation at administrative hearings or criminal trials; takes depositions, sworn statements, administers oaths, and advises individuals of their rights; 

Obtains and serves subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and/or the production of records; 

Serves other civil process and orders generated by the Department of Licensing; 

Obtains search warrants when appropriate and assists the appropriate local jurisdiction in their service; 

Ensures compliance of licensees with established industry codes of ethics; conducts inspections and investigations of funeral facilities of any nature at the request of the County Health Officer, and reports of the presence of infectious or contagious diseases in connection with deceased persons or their families; 

Advises the Administrator or Assistant Administrator or Executive Secretary of violations of the law or regulations pertaining to funeral or burial practices covered by Title 68, Revised Code of Washington (Cemeteries, Morgues & Human Remains), and 70.58 RCW (Public Health and Safety); 

Testifies at hearings and trials; assists in the preparation of Statement of Charges; 

Prepares written reports on all annual premises inspections and conducts follow‑up inspections at facilities which received unsatisfactory reports to ensure conditions have been corrected; 

Prepares written reports covering the results of all investigations; these reports catalog, identify and convey all physical evidence and statements of witnesses in a manner adequate to support administrative action, civil actions brought by the Attorney General and criminal cases brought by county or federal prosecutors; 

Investigates all professional and occupational licensing areas and advises licensees of statutory or regulatory requirements; 

Advises licensees on the legal and professional requirements as set forth by statute or regulations; 

Continually emphasizes and encourages the maintenance of high professional requirements of law, and regulations; 

Performs other related duties as required.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of:  the law (RCW 18.39) and regulations pertaining to funeral directors, embalmers, funeral establishments and apprentices, including Title 60 RCW relating to the disposition of human remains and related activities and functions, and 70.58 RCW relating to Public Health and Safety; rules of evidence court decisions, and court procedures; principles and techniques of inspection; audit and investigation; sanitation, chemistry, biology, psychology, and physical sciences. 

Ability to: understand, interpret and impart the content of laws and legal decisions related to the funeral field and other professions and occupational areas; conduct inspections and investigations as required by the situation; gather, assimilate, preserve and present evidence; write and speak clearly, concisely, accurately and informatively and exercise mature judgment in a wide variety of public contacts.

Legal Requirement(s)

Must be currently licensed as a funeral director/embalmer in the State of Washington at the time of appointment. 

There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position.

Persons legally authorized to work in the U.S. under federal law, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, are eligible for employment unless prohibited by other state or federal law.

Desirable Qualifications

Five consecutive years both as a licensed embalmer and funeral director in the State of Washington which included two years of experience maintaining funeral home records.

Class Specification History

Revised new class code: (formerly 48830) effective July 1, 2007.

Revised Legal Requirements; effective June 6, 2024, due to adopted legislative action.